Aeotec Z-Stick 7; Z-Wave Plus USB antenna, 700 series, Gen7 - ZWA010 (7)7 total reviews Sale Sale priceFrom$3799 Regular price$49.99 USD Aeotec Water Sensor 7; Flood + Leak detection, Temperature + Humidity Sensors View all Leading brands Leading technologies ...
water and ice dispensers, etc. can all cause water damage. The ZWCFS1 is a Z-Wave™ enabled device and will send a water leak alert on any Z-Wave™ enabled network. ZWCFS1 sensors are most effective at water damage prevention when properly used with a WaterCop Z–wave automatic...
Z-Wave LR是Z-Wave联盟开发的新技术,通过提高发射功率和支持大型网络节点,显著增强了Z-Wave物联网无线网状网络协议的功能。它允许设备间的传输距离更远,支持更大的网络扩展性,优化电池寿命
据了解,目前Z-Wave已部署了1亿(100 millions)多个可互操作设备,700多家会员公司,3200多个Z-Wave认证产品。 从Z-Wave网站登记的认证产品来看,On/Off Switches/Devices、EnergyMeters、Sensors、Dimming Lighting Devices、Gateway Controller等占比最高,达80.5%。 Z-Wave产品 下面是Z-Wave产品对照表: 结语 Z-Wave不...
Zooz offers the best selection of affordable innovative Z-Wave Plus products, like 3-Way Z-Wave switches, SmartThings compatible sensors, and heavy-duty energy monitoring plugs.
NEO Electronics Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise which focuses on the research, design, manufacture and sales of network digital product, And it is one of the earliest professional manufacturers of IP Camera in China. We mainly provide IP Cameras, iDoorbell, iHomekits and Z-Wave Sensors....
Also available for Apple HomeKit We've created two lines of the FIBARO Motion Sensor - one for the FIBARO system or other compatible Z-Wave controllers, and one for Apple HomeKit. Whichever platform you choose, our products are designed to work seamlessly with either technology. Learn more....
The Z-Wave Alliance is a global consortium of companies that use the Z-Wave protocol in their smart home IoT solutions. Learn more.
Z-Wave Sensors: Door Window x2, Motion x1, Siren x1 Works W/ Samsung SmartThings Hub Add $4499current price $44.99Z-Wave Sensors: Door Window x2, Motion x1, Siren x1 Works W/ Samsung SmartThings Hub Qolsys QZ2300-840 IQ Siren, Z-Wave Add $7704current price $77.04Qolsys QZ2300...