10echo$1# Unquoted variables #变量未加引号find . -name *.ogg# Unquoted find/grep patterns #find/grep 的匹配模式未加引号rm"~/my file.txt"# Quoted tilde expansion #引号中的波浪符扩展v='--verbose="true"'; cmd$v# Literal quotes in variables # 变量中的字面引号forfin"*.ogg"# Incorrectly...
We have searched for associated production of the lightest chargino {tilde {ital W}}{sub 1} and next-to-lightest neutralino {tilde {ital Z}}{sub 2} of the minimal supersymmetric standard model in {bar {ital pp}} collisions at {radical}{ital s}=1.8 TeV using the D0 detector at the ...
波浪号展开 (Tilde Expansion) ~ 参数展开 (Shell Parameter Expansion) 命令替换 (Command Substitution) 数学计算 (Arithmetic Expansion) $((..)) 文件名展开 (Filename Expansion) *?[..] 外壳文件名模式匹配 调试和前端集成 普通log,使用 echo、printf 2. ...
124 174 7C 01111100 | | | Vertical bar 125 175 7D 01111101 } } } Closing brace 126 176 7E 01111110 ~ ~ ˜ Equivalency sign – tilde 127 177 7F 01111111 DEL DeleteThe extended ASCII codes (character code 128-255)There...