The mansion is located on the third floor with an open terrace, giving the designer the full potential to unleash their passion. The technique of reflecting the scenery into the room, the use of a large number of wooden elements, and the artistic paintings on the TV wall all make the beau...
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Keynote是诞生于2003年1月,由苹果公司推出的运行于Mac OS X操作系统下的演示幻灯片应用软件。Keynote不仅支持几乎所有的图片字体,还可以使界面和设计也更图形化,借助macOS内置的 Quartz等图形技术,制作的幻灯片也更容易夺人眼球。另外,Keynote还有真三维转换,幻灯片在