It may also be a corruption of pakepakeha, which are mythical human-like beings with fair skins. Pashing -Kissing or snogging. Patu -Short fighting club Paua -Abalone, a type of shellfish with a wonderful iridescent shell. Pavlova -Meringue dessert with a fruit and cream topping. ...
or baskets hanging form a long piece of bamboo over one’s shoulders, V is for the streetvendorsof Old Manila, the ones who sold everything from bananas and fish to jugs of milk and fresh drinking water, and
汉语字典> 汉字:𥜃 拼音:yì 部首:示总笔画:17部首外:13 98五笔:pylf86五笔:pylf郑码:wsbu 统一码B:25703仓颉:ifwlj笔顺:45242522112143112 异体字:⿰礻𠬤 汉字:「𥜃」基本解释 拼音yi4 周代的一种祭祀,正祭之后第二天再祭,又称重祭 工具书影印版备注文字版 ...