The High-Z hydrogen-like atom: a model for polarized structure functionsXavier ArtruK Benhizia
usually hydrazo- : containing the bivalent radical −NHNH− derived from hydrazine by removal of one hydrogen atom from each nitrogen atom especially in names of compounds in which the radical is united to two hydrocarbon radicals hydrazotolueneWord...
alkenyl group- the hydrocarbon group formed when a hydrogen atom is removed from an alkene group. alkoxide- an organic functional group formed when a hydrogen atom is removed from the hydroxyl group of an alcohol when it is reacted with a metal. alkoxy group- functional group containing an al...
law of constant proportion 定比律 law of corresponding states 对应态原理 law of definite proportion 定比律 law of equipartition of energy 能量均分律 law of gaseous reaction 气体反应定律 law of ideal gases 理想气体定律 law of independent ionic mobilities 独立离子怜定律 law of ionic strength 离子...
3). Nie wykazano natomiast istotnych statystycznie różnic w odsetku monocytów CD14+Tie-2+ pomiędzy grupą chorych w stadium 0 a grupą w stadium I/II (Ryc. 3). Maffei i wsp. [16] wykazali wzrost liczby TEM we krwi obwodowej chorych na PBL. Autorzy nie wykazali ...
Hydrosilylation of allenes is the addition of a hydrogen atom and a silyl group to a carbon–carbon double bond of an allene molecule and represents a straightforward and atom-economical approach to prepare synthetically versatile allylsilanes and vinyls
frame = int(hbond[0]) # Frame of this hb h_idx = int(hbond[2]) # Hydrogen atom index...
(TMOs) are oxygen vacancies. The energy necessary to break the bonds between atoms and disappear from their regular lattice location causes the creation of OVs in the crystal structure. When an atom is liberated from a lattice site, it comes back to the surface of the crystal, where new ...
polyatom多原子 o 子 polyat mic molecule 多原 分子 polyazo d y e 多偶氮染料 polybasic acid 多元酸 polybutadiene 聚丁二烯 u e u 丁 polyb tadi ne r bber 聚 二烯橡胶 p l o 酯 o ycarb nate 聚碳酸 l o 氯 po ychl roprene 聚 丁二烯 y d t 物 pol con ensa e 缩聚 y po 1 ...
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count:2 Topological Polar Surface Area:34.1 Heavy Atom Count::23 Defined Atom Stereocenter Count:5 Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count:0 Defined Bond Stereocenter Count:0 Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count:1 Isotope Atom Count:0 Covalently-Bonded Unit Count:1 CACTVS Substructure ...