plural z's or zs often capitalized 1 : the 26th and last letter of the English alphabet 2 : a brief nap catch some z's before dinner Medical Definition Z symbol 1 atomic number 2 impedance More from Merriam-Webster on z Nglish: Translation of z for Spanish Speakers Love...
since it affects the meaning of the whole clause. It also wouldn't be a good idea to say that, for example, AV CP VP > S, because that would make a fronted adverb look like a crucial part of the sentence, which it isn't. For that reason, I'm going to invent a new symbol: ...
{{{\mathcal{H}}}^{{\prime} }=\Delta {\sum}_{j}{(-1)}^{j}{\sum}_{{{\bf{r}}},\alpha ,\beta }f({{\bf{r}}}){({{\boldsymbol{\sigma }}}\cdot {{{\bf{R}}}_{{{\bf{t}}})}_{\alpha \beta }{{{\bf{c}}}_{j\alpha }^{{\dagger} }({{\bf{r}}})\cdot {...
— H. Putnam: The meaning of »Meaning«. In: Ders.: Mind, Language and Reality. Philosophical Papers. Bd. 2. Cambridge 1975, S. 215–271. Chapter Google Scholar — Zu den vier Theorietypen: (1) G. Frege: Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung. Fünf logische Studien. Hg. v. G. Patzi...
One obtains the value f by substitution of the value r for the symbol x in P. One reason to distinguish between polynomials and polynomial functions is that, over some rings, different polynomials may give rise to the same polynomial function. This is not the case when R is the real or ...
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One of the key properties of the csch function is that it is an odd function, meaning that it satisfies the equation: csch(-x) = -csch(x) This means that the csch function is symmetric about the origin, and its graph looks like a downward-opening curve that approaches zero as x appro...
Karl. P. WentersdorfNottingham Medieval Studies
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Atickeris a unique combination of letters (and sometimes numbers) used to represent a publicly traded security, such as a stock, on a stock exchange. Each ticker symbol is a shorthand identifier for a company's shares, making it easy for investors, traders, and financial systems to quickly ...