facility n [C] [复数] 设施;设备; (用于某种活动、行业或服务的) 场所;建筑 factor n [C] 因素;要素 fashion n [U] & [C] (服饰等的) 流行式样;最新款式;[C] (谈吐、行为等的) 时尚;[U] 时装业 feature■ n [C] 特征;特点;面貌的一部分 (指眼、口、鼻等);面貌 (特征);(报纸、电视等的...
1.(Mathematics) any unknown, variable, or unspecified factor, number, person, or thing 2.(Chemistry)chematomic number 3.(General Physics)physicsimpedance 4.zone 5.(Currencies)currencyzaïre abbreviation for (Automotive Engineering) Zambia (international car registration) ...
7.1.1 睡眠剥夺 | Sleep deprivation Sleep deprivation is on the rise among contemporary youths,[182][33] due to a combination of poor sleep hygiene (having one's sleep disrupted by noise, light, and electronic devices), caffeine intake, beds that are too warm, a mismatch between biologically...
Galaxy Z Flip folds to be surprisingly small for an outstanding design that easily fits into your pocket, bag or purse. See the future with every fold. It's an all-new, foldable form factor. Small, durable and unlike anything you’ve held before. ...
factor 用于打印给定数字的质因数,从命令行给出或从标准输入读取 fc 用于列出、编辑或重新执行先前输入到交互式 shell 中的命令 fc-cache 扫描字体目录并为使用 fontconfig 进行字体处理的应用程序构建字体缓存 fc-list 用于列出可用的字体和字体样式,使用格式选项,可以过滤和整理所有字体的列表 fdisk Format disk ...
Factor Drive Weight Capacity NAND Type Height Width Interface Performance Logical Blocks Operating Temperature Features 2TB PCIe NVMe TLC M.2 2280 Solid State Drive Form Factor Drive Weight Capacity NAND Type Height Width Interface Performance Logical Blocks For storage drives, GB = 1 billion bytes. ...
skin protection factor 人体皮肤保护指数 skin test 皮肤试验 skin tests 皮肤贴片试验 sleep 睡眠 sleep apnea 呼吸暂停症 sleep apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停 sleep apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停综合症 sleep apnea 睡眠性呼吸暂停综合症 sleep cycle 睡眠周期 sleep hygiene 睡眠卫生 sleep insufficiency 睡眠不足 sleep insuffience 缺乏...
200 msec (sleep) None None None 1.7 - 3.6 V SOT23 -40°C to 125°C 3-pin Switches 选型表 - SILICON LABS 立即选型 SILICON LABS Z-Wave Wireless SoC 选型表 Cortex-M4内核,支持Sub-G频段无线SOC;低功耗,支持纽扣电池10年寿命; 长距离,100米直接范围扩展网格;简单,安全,互操作性;...
记录大脑电波活动的仪器)the electroencephalograph which is simply a device for recording the electrical activity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp) 显示了在睡眠的那段时间大脑活动方式有改变shows that while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, 没有证据显示大脑...
sleep 用于创建虚拟作业。虚拟作业有助于延迟执行 source 用于读取和执行文件的内容(通常是一组命令),在当前 shell 脚本中作为参数传递 sort 用于对文件进行排序,按特定顺序排列记录 split 用于将大文件拆分成小文件 ssh 用于安全连接到远程服务器/系统的协议 strace 它是Linux 最强大的进程监控、诊断、教学工具之一。