The confidence interval goes fromp^- m top^+ m If alternative hypothesis is "not equal to" (i.e., a 2-tailed test), then use the significance level,a/2, to select z*. Otherwise, use justa In a one-sample test, calculate z by taking the value ofp^minus its value under the null...
("Boxplot and point chart of ", deparse(substitute(x))), subtitle = paste0("With H0 and 95% Z confidence interval for the mean, and StDev = ",sigma))+ annotation_custom(grob = tableGrob(d = res, rows = NULL, cols = colnames(res), theme = ttheme_default(base_size = 8, base...
Cost down 降低成本 Confidence interval 信赖区间 Control chart 管制图 Cause and Effect matrix 因果图.鱼骨图 Center line 中心线 check 检查 Check Sheet 查检表 Characteristic Diagram 特性要因图 Complaint 投诉 CPI: continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善 【D】 DIM Dimension 尺寸 DIA Diameter 直径 DW...
Cost down 降低成本 Confidence interval 信赖区间 Control chart 管制图 Cause and Effect matrix 因果图.鱼骨图 Center line 中心线 check 检查 Check Sheet 查检表 Characteristic Diagram 特性要因图 Complaint 投诉 CPI: continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善 【D...
Confidence interval 信赖区间 Control chart 管制图 Cause and Effect matrix 因果图.鱼骨图 Center line 中心线 check 检查 Check Sheet 查检表 Characteristic Diagram 特性要因图 Complaint 投诉 CPI: continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善 【D】 DIM Dimension 尺寸 DIA Diameter 直径 DWG Drawing 图面 DC...
Confidence interval 信赖区间 Control chart 管制图 Cause and Effect matrix 因果图.鱼骨图 Center line 中心线 check 检查 Check Sheet 查检表 Characteristic Diagram 特性要因图 Complaint 投诉 CPI: continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善 D DIM Dimension 尺寸 ...
confidence interval 置信区间 consistency 一致性 constant 常数 continuous variable 连续变量 control charts 控制图 correlation 相关 covariance 协方差 covariance matrix 协方差矩阵 critical point 临界点 critical value 临界值 crosstab 列联表 cubic 三次的,立方的 ...
A~Z质量管理常用术语简写,太全了!A~Z质量管理常⽤术语简写,太全了!【A】ABC Activity-Based Costing 作业制成本制度 AR Account Receivable 应收款 AP Account Payable 应⽀ AVL Approval Vendor List 合格⼚商 ACC accept 允收 APP Approve 核准,认可,承认 ASSY Assembly 装配,组装 A.S.A.P As Soon ...
Confidence interval 信赖区间 Control chart 管制图 Cause and Effect matrix 因果图.鱼骨图 Center line 中心线 check 检查 Check Sheet 查检表 Characteristic Diagram 特性要因图 Complaint 投诉 CPI: continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善 【D】
Confidence interval 信赖区间 Control chart 管制图 Cause and Effect matrix 因果图.鱼骨图 Center line 中心线 check 检查 Check Sheet 查检表 Characteristic Diagram 特性要因图 Complaint 投诉 CPI: continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善 【D】