address. The unique code assigned to each device, workstation or system connected to a network. address space. A range of contiguous virtual storage addresses that the system creates for the user, batch job, or system task. In z/OS, an address space can range up to 16 exabytes of conti...
Static routes are presented as a BEGINROUTES/ENDROUTES statement block even if you code the static routes by using a GATEWAY statement. Use the GATEWAY statement to add static routes to the main route table. If you want to specify static routes in a BSD style syntax or if you need to ...
EAN-Search The EAN-Search API allows you to lookup products by EAN, UPC or GTIN barcode. 💸 QR Code API QR Code REST API. Can create QR code images or read existing images and return the contents. 💸 Stakdek's QR Generator API Returns QR code image. Uses python qrcode. N/A ...
UEFI and Windows Secure Boot only allow code signed by pre-approved digital certificates to run during the firmware and OS boot process. Default is 'Legacy Support Enable and Secure Boot Disable' for Windows 7 and other non-Windows configurations. Default is 'Legacy Support Disable and Secure ...
Figure 1 shows, based on measurements taken by DB2 development, that simple random index lookup is faster and cheaper in DB2 12. It also shows that the greater the number of index levels, the greater the expected CPU savings, varying from 6% for a two-level index to 23% for a five-...
3615 2251 36 7 years ago ML_for_Hackers/6 Code accompanying the book "Machine Learning for Hackers" 3397 753 71 6 years ago AnomalyDetection/7 Anomaly Detection with R 3194 3543 45 21 days ago r4ds/8 R for data science: a book 2893 919 943 21 hours ago data.table/9 R's data.tabl...
This HTTP plug-in component usually writes out logs and traces for informational or problem diagnosis use. Figure 2-7 on page 39 shows the HTTP server logs and traces in relation to WebSphere for z/OS. 38 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Problem Determination Means and Tools plugin....
v“UsingLookAttolookupmessageexplanations”onpagexix v“UsingIBMHealthCheckerforz/OS”onpagexx Softcopyinformation Softcopypublicationsareavailableinthefollowingcollections: TitlesOrderDescription Number z/OSV1R9CollectionSK3T-4269ThisistheCDcollectionshippedwiththez/OSproduct.Itincludes thelibrariesforz/OSV1...
--COMMENT: Monitor for processes injecting code into other processes. Often used by malware to cloak their actions. Also when Firefox loads Flash. [ ] --> <!--DATA: UtcTime, SourceProcessGuid, SourceProcessId, SourceImage, TargetProcessId, ...
UEFI and Windows Secure Boot only allow code signed by pre-approved digital certificates to run during the firmware and OS boot process. Default is 'Legacy Support Enable and Secure Boot Disable' for Windows 7 and other non-Windows configurations. Default is 'Legacy Support Disable and Secure ...