This term has in turn in Western countries a muchbroader meaning. It is important to define precisely what in fact is meant by terrorism.Within the area of internal security, terrorism is simply a crime, while within the territoryof the armed forces in foreign interventions, terrorism is ...
In this way, to confirm the meaning of “gong gong” and to grasp its implication has become the fundamental problem of recognizing where hermeneutics is, how it can be, and ultimately what it is. From the perspective of traditional Chinese language, the words “gong”(公)and “gong”(共...
根据中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发的《关于规范民办义务教育发展的意见》等政策要求,民办义务教育学校名称要符合法律法规及相关政策规定,不得含有外语词。 我校根据文件规定进行校名变更,经民政局、教育局审核,原“深圳市龙华区柏朗思观澜湖外国...
It restores the author’s intention and the text meaning in the speci?c text time and space, so that the public can understand, ?nally form a consensus, constitute knowledge, and become a historical social culture. Under the rule of hermeneutic logic, hermeneutics is a process of dialogue ...
Graduation season在这个充满深深感恩的季节,我们迎来了孩子们人生中的第一个毕业典礼。幼儿园是孩子们人生旅途的第一站,为了给孩子们三年的幼儿园生活留下美好的回忆,我园在2023年7月29日上午举行了隆重的大班毕业典礼仪式。In this season ...
The tendency to narrow the meaning of a concept and limit art to its idea was marked in the text by Daniel Buren "Beware!" (1969-1970). How did it happen, that the formula of conceptism, used in the beginning of the decade by Henry Flynt in the text entitled "Concept Art" (1961)...
② Dirk Meyer, Philosophy on Bamboo: Text and the Production of Meaning in Early 与之比照,到了《中庸》文本那里,性是静的,后世视之为不可动的,更不是为物所取的,情与 China, Leiden: 性则被明确断裂开来,而郭店简却呈现出一种思想过渡的混糅形态. 还有就是情实与情感的分殊确实那么剑拔弩张吗?大...