#首先查看R 版本信息sessionInfo()Rversion3.6.2(2019-12-12)#R版本3.5以上可以安装ggtree 2.0#安装ggtree,首先需要安装BiocManagerinstall.packages("BiocManager")#然后安装ggtreeBiocManager::install("ggtree")#安装 devtools安装来自github上的包install.packages("devtools")#安装yyplotlibrary(devtools)install_github(...
Bioconductor的 bioc-devel 每六个月(其实是每年四月和十月)会对旗下的生物相关的R包进行更新和debug,install.packages在很多时候检测不到这些更新,导致使用者总是安装过时的版本 4.安装yyplot-重点 > install_github("GuangchuangYu/yyplot") >install_github("GuangchuangYu/yyplot")Downloading GitHub repo Guangchuang...
Labels in yyplot Matlab My problem is that the figure that I'm creating gets "two types" of x-axe labels. One is the ones that I have asked for, the other is a number, its displays it every 2. Actually, labels and numbers are overlap. I'm new to the forum, hence it does not ...
채택된 답변:Walter Roberson MATLAB Online에서 열기 I am currently trying to make a plot with two y axes using plotyy. However, I needed to change the y limits on both axes. After I changed the y limits the y ticks on the right and left no longer line up, which make...
GuangchuangYu/yyplot master 1Branch0Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 45 Commits R update ggqrcode Jun 8, 2022 man fixed#11 Sep 27, 2021...
> BiocManager::install("meme") # 解决meme 再次继续安装devtools::install_github("GuangchuangYu/yyplot") #成功 install_github("GuangchuangYu/gglayer",force = TRUE) # 不加force = TRUE 会报错
人物简介: 一、林登峰担任职务:担任厦门犇埠电子科技有限公司监事;二、林登峰的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,林登峰与林美丽为商业合作伙伴。 财产线索 线索数量 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合作伙伴 了解老板合作关系 ...