可选:不强制,但鼓励国际申请者提交英语语言考试成绩,接受的官方英语语言考试成绩有TOFEL/IELTS/DET/PTE/Cambridge Assessment; 可选:基于需求的financial aid; ✦Activities list ✦One 500-word essay and one 200-word response ✦Two “fast take” responses (280 characters each) ✦Official school transc...
7.English fluency test scores (TOEFL or DuoLingo) 8.OPTIONAL: Need-based financial aid 今年夏天是 YYGS 在线举行的第三年,同时为参与者提供耶鲁大学的体验和直接访问大学资源的机会,有将近 80 名本科生和研究生导师参与,学生与教师比例为 12:1。 当然有些同学会问,现在申请夏校项目还来得及吗?确实高含金量...
COF/FA/CSS/ISFAA/FAFSA/EFC: 这是关于钱的一组,前面的COF-Certificate of Finance,财产证明,一般学校要看下证明你交得起学费。而FA是指,Financial Aid,即你需要学校多少钱,再后面三个都是要钱的表格,CSS- College Scholarship Service,无良CB的一个表格,申请非政府奖助学金的学生通过填写CSS表格申请;ISFAA-Int...
✦OPTIONAL: English fluency test scores (TOEFL or DuoLingo) ✦OPTIONAL: Need-based financial aid
✦Application fee ($60 for Early Action, $75 for Regular Decision) ✦You must click the Finalize & Pay button on the “Review” page for your application to be considered ✦OPTIONAL: English fluency test scores (TOEFL or DuoLingo) ✦OPTIONAL: Need-based financial aid...