You've faced a long-term challenge such as gaps in school due to lack of fees, or moving around a lot and changing schools frequently, you should explain these circumstances and what you learned from the experience in your essays.就算有个人的Hardship不需要琢磨太多。 给人一种你很爱抱怨的感觉...
you should explain these circumstances and what you learned from the experience in your essays.就算...
✔ 个人陈述-Personal Statement ✔ 小文书-Short Essays ✔ 申请题-Solutions ✔ 学校成绩单-Transcripts ✔ 推荐信-Recommendation ✔ 附加材料,如简历等-Attachments 报名官网 耶鲁...
说明会不但会涵盖项目介绍、讲解如何准备申请、解答申请人或其父母的问题,同时参与人还会获得一个priority deadline。 👉2.网上申请提交 (Application Submission) 提交网上申请,包括以下四部分: –Basic Info –Interest Areas –Short ...
👉2.网上申请提交 (Application Submission) 提交网上申请,包括以下四部分: –Basic Info –Interest Areas –Short Essays –Long Essay 👉3.初步筛选 (Initial Screening) 申请人将经过3轮审理才能得到最终的审理结果。初步筛选考虑...