yyds——永远滴神 这个梗是“永远滴神”的拼音缩写,来源于某主播形容原英雄联盟职业选手Uzi的词。现在“yyds”逐渐演变成粉丝们在弹幕中吹捧各种事物的固定格式。讯飞输入法2020年度流行语中,“yyds”等字母流行语成为90后、00后的标配。The expression, literally meaning “eternal God”, illustrates one’s feelin...
The expression, literally meaning “eternal God”, illustrates one’s feeling when they find something or someone godlike, awesome and exceptional. “yyds”字面意思是“永远滴神”,用来表达某样东西或某个人很优秀,像神一般令人惊叹。 “yyds,” the pinyin abbreviation of Chinese “永远滴神,” is or...
The expression, literally meaning “eternal God”, illustrates one’s feeling when they find something or someone godlike, awesome and exceptional. “yyds”字面意思是“永远滴神”,用来表达某样东西或某个人很优秀,像神一般令人惊叹。 “yyds,” the pinyin abbreviation of Chinese “永远滴神,” is or...
The expression, literally meaning “eternal God”,illustrates one’s feeling when they find something or someone godlike, awesome and exceptional. “yyds”字面意思是“永远滴神”,用来表达某样东西或某个人很优秀,像神一般令人惊叹。 “yyds,”...
The expression, literally meaning “eternal God”, illustrates one’s feeling when they find something or someone godlike, awesome and exceptional. “yyds”字面意思是“永远滴神”,用来表达某样东西或某个人很优秀,像神一般令人惊叹。 “yyds,” the pinyin abbreviation of Chinese “永远滴神,” is or...
The expression, literally meaning “eternal God”, illustrates one’s feeling when they find something or someone godlike, awesome and exceptional. “yyds”字面意思是“永远滴神”,用来表达某样东西或某个人很优秀,像神一般令人惊叹。 “yyds,” the pinyin abbreviation of Chinese “永远滴神,” is or...
Chinese Internet slang includes an extensive list of commonly used alphabetic acronyms, that is, abbreviations based on how certain groups of Chinese characters are written in pinyin.现代汉语网络流行语中包括一类字母缩写造词,即由...
The expression,literally3meaning “eternal God”,illustrates4one’s feeling when they find something or someone godlike,awesome5and exceptional. “yyds”字面意思是“永远滴神”,用来表达某样东西或某个人很优秀,像神一般令人惊叹。 “yyds,” the pinyin abbreviation of Chinese “永远滴神,” is originat...
The expression, literally meaning “eternal God”, illustrates one’s feeling when they find something or someone godlike, awesome and exceptional. “yyds”字面意思是“永远滴神”,用来表达某样东西或某个人很优秀,像神一般令人惊叹。 “yyds,” the pinyin abbreviation of Chinese “永远滴神,” is or...
“conveymeaning”, but“expressing emotions”is greatly lacking. In order to make up for this, the Internet language has developed a number of unique means of conveying emotions, such as a variety of emojis and memes, such ...