品牌故事 BRAND HISTORY YSL(Yves Saint laurent)的简称,中文译名圣罗兰,是法国著名奢侈品牌,由1936年8月1日出生于法属北非阿尔及利亚的伊夫圣罗兰先生创立,主要有时装、护肤品,香水,箱包,眼镜,配饰等。 关于执行新《广告法》的声明 本网站全面贯彻执行新《广告法》关于产品宣传的各项规定,并安排专人在页面明显区域...
品牌故事BRAND HISTORY YSL(Yves Saint laurent)的简称,中文译名圣罗兰,是法国著名奢侈品牌,由1936年8月1日出生于法属北非阿尔及利亚的伊夫圣罗兰先生创立,主要有时装、护肤品,香水,箱包,眼镜,配饰等。圣罗兰主要的香水有:左岸(RiveGauche1971)、奥飘茗(Opium1977)、巴黎(Paris1983)、香槟(Champagne1993)男性香水有:...
Yves Saint Laurent was born in Algeria in 1936, and his parents are French. In 1955, his design sketches were introduced to Christian Dior, and he was hired as an assistant of Dior. When Dior died in 1957, Yves Saint Laurent, 21, became the chief of the world's most prestigious fashio...
品牌故事 BRAND HISTORY YSL(Yves Saint laurent)的简称,中文译名圣罗兰,是法国著名奢侈品牌,由1936年8月1日出生于法属北非阿尔及利亚的伊夫圣罗兰先生创立,主要有时装、护肤品,香水,箱包,眼镜,配饰等。圣罗兰主要的香水有:左岸(RiveGauche1971)、鸦片(Opium1977)、巴黎(Paris1983)、香槟(Champagne1993)男性香水有:圣...
Yves Saint Laurent History来自晓慧姐说英语00:0002:05 Yves Saint Laurent himself said it best: “Chanel freed women, and I empowered them.” Founded in 1961,the legendary house that bearshis name has given us arepertoireof fabled pieces (the Mondrian shift,Le Smoking, the safari jacket, the...
YVES SAINT LAURENT 圣罗兰 YSL圣罗兰夜皇后精华1ml+眼霜1ml(不参与店铺满赠礼) 9.9元 天猫精选 11-14 10:14 0 0 安娜柏林 双层玻尿酸精华液50ml(赠抗皱眼霜旅行装5ml*1) 189元(需用券) 天猫精选 11-27 10:26 0 0 安娜柏林 橙花蜜玫瑰蜜塑颜紧致眼霜(赠塑颜温和洁面乳150ml*1) 617.8元(需...
YVES SAINT LAURENT 圣罗兰 YSL圣罗兰夜皇后精华 眼霜(不参与店铺满赠礼)爆料人: _向日葵_ 06-01发布 天猫精选此款目前活动售价9.9元,近期好价。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付9.9元 个护化妆实时好价排行 今日必买:芙丽芳丝 净润洗面霜 新版 100g ¥160 京东 ¥58 值得买爆料价 ...
Yves Saint Laurent History来自晓慧姐说英语00:0002:05 Yves Saint Laurent himself said it best: “Chanel freed women, and I empowered them.” Founded in 1961,the legendary house that bearshis name has given us arepertoireof fabled pieces (the Mondrian shift,Le Smoking, the safari jacket, the...
YVES SAINT LAURENT 圣罗兰 高定衣典系列 粒纹皮 75ml1450元包邮什么值得买甄选出京东优惠促销商品,包括YVES SAINT LAURENT/圣罗兰报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
"A new book of essays and photos traces the fashion, life, and inspirations of Yves Saint Laurent from A to Z. Amy Fine Collins zeroes in on his muses" —AIRMAIL.COM "YSL LEXICONis a priceless entry into the genre of fashion history. This is a monograph that will be devoured by thos...