not working 送TA礼物 1楼2021-04-18 20:20回复 真正的大胜 声名远扬 12 yuzu最近的更新真的是越来越糊弄人了~~~ 2楼2021-04-18 21:53 回复 zctang305 声名远扬 12 不是早说了吗,yuzu现在就是在刷版本号,啥问题都不解决。我已经快要彻底失望了。 3楼2021-04-18 21:58 回复 快乐的...
通过导航到 Emulation > Configure > Graphics > 单击“Check for Working Vulkan”来验证您的 Vulkan 安装 如果问题仍然存在,请通过我们的Discord 服务器或我们的论坛寻求支持。 yuzu 以错误“Missing Derivation Components”开头 yuzu 需要控制台键才能玩游戏。请按照我们的快速入门指南从您的 Nintendo Switch 转储这些...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: master 分支(20) 管理 管理 master revert-12644-vkspec-image-offset revert-12403-clipdistance revert-12344-its-free-real-estate revert-11534-IFREMOVED ...
官方更新10.1..We've been quiet lately - but that does not mean we aren't working hard! Texture cubemaps ha
When it comes to food and beverage, we’re interested in collaborations with other craft producers, and we can help you with product development and marketing. Learn more Contact Us Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear...
Getting VRR (Variable-Refresh-Rate) working (NVidia only)让VRR(可变刷新率)工作(仅限 NVidia)So, you have a 144Hz G-Sync display and that sucks for Yuzu where everything is 60Hz and 30Hz. No issue, you have a VRR display, so it just goes to 60Hz or 30Hz when you go into fullscreen...
YUZU development has been discontinued because of Piracy issues filed by Nintenshit. As a result they will pay $2.4M in compensation and stop working on their project. In addition, the developers have committed to: Close all repositories associated with the emulator ...
Controls not working:Configure controls again or enable the controller in Yuzu. Conclusion Future of Yuzu Emulator Development The Yuzu project is actively developed with frequent updates. It will continue improving in compatibility, speed, and features. Exciting new functions like online multiplayer are...
mod=viewthread&tid=101&from 分享13 yuzu模拟器吧 WPQ03 官方更新10.1We've been quiet lately - but that does not mean we aren't working hard! Texture cubemaps has been merged, and we now have DLC and amiibo support in latest canary builds of yuzu! As always, if you like what we are ...
I've just delevoped the exact same problem, every game launched before then yesterday they all suddenlt stopped working. I run a game, it shows Yuzu GUI for a second then reverts back to LB. If I run them through the emulator they work fine. I've not changed any settings in the em...