Kirby and the Forgotten Land顶点爆炸、光照和粒子已固定为正常 GPU 精度。这导致高达 40% 的性能提升,并以正常精度进行准确的渲染。某些机器中的红灯已修复。Xenoblade Chronicles 2Fire Emblem Warriors已准确修复,不再需要解决方法。MONSTER HUNTER RISE现在以正常 GPU 精度准确渲染,性能提升高达 50%(但请注意,3.0...
Kirby and the Forgotten Land事实证明,它是最近最好的平台游戏之一,对我们的开发人员来说也是一个相当大的挑战。epicboy通过解决在整个游戏中非常明显的几何弹出窗口来滚动球。那棵树就这样啪啪啪!(柯比和被遗忘的土地)这是通过提高常量缓冲区上传的准确性来实现的。此更改还具有修复 的渲染问题的额外好处,使其可...
Kirby and the Forgotten Land顶点爆炸、光照和粒子已经被固定在正常的GPU精度上。这使得性能提高了40%,并以正常精度进行精确渲染。一些机器上的红灯亮了Xenoblade Chronicles 2已修复。Fire Emblem Warriors已准确修复,不再需要解决方法。MONSTER HUNTER RISE现在可以在正常GPU精度上精确渲染,导致性能提升高达50%(不过请...
Kirby and the Forgotten Land结果是最近最好的平台之一,对我们的开发者来说也是一个挑战。epicboy通过解决在整个游戏过程中非常明显的几何弹出窗口来启动游戏。视频:那棵树突然冒出来了!(科比和被遗忘的土地)这是通过以下方式实现的提高...
Binary file added BIN +646 Bytes files/Kirby and the Forgotten Land/21.9.rar Binary file not shown. Binary file added BIN +706 Bytes files/Kirby and the Forgotten Land/30fps - Full.rar Binary file not shown. Binary file added BIN +844 Bytes files/Kirby and the Forgotten Land/32.9...
Binary file added BIN +646 Bytes files/Kirby and the Forgotten Land/21.9.rar Binary file not shown. Binary file added BIN +706 Bytes files/Kirby and the Forgotten Land/30fps - Full.rar Binary file not shown. Binary file added BIN +844 Bytes files/Kirby and the Forgotten Land/32.9...
Add support for the following titles: Pokémon™ Brilliant Diamond | 0100000011D90000 Pokémon™ Shining Pearl | 010018E011D92000 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon™: Rescue Team DX | 01003D200BAA2000 Kirby™ and the Forgotten Land | 01004D300C5AE000 The Legend of Zelda™: Link's Awakening | ...
Since this list was updated, the emulator has undergone many significant updates and now supports many games perfectly! List[edit] Game Title Compatibility Date Tested "METAL SLUG 1st & 2nd MISSION" Double Pack Great September 24, 2021 #DRIVE Great May 1, 2021 #KILLALLZOMBIES Great June...
3, lighting in Diablo II Resurrected, particles and lighting in Kirby and The Forgotten Land, red lights on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 machines, and other miscellaneous visual elements in Fire Emblem Warriors, Monster Hunter Rise, Atelier Ryza, NieR: Automata: End of Yorha Edition, and Bayonetta 3....
Kirby and the Forgotten Land事实证明,它是最近最好的平台游戏之一,对我们的开发人员来说也是一个相当大的挑战。epicboy通过解决在整个游戏中非常明显的几何弹出窗口来滚动球。那棵树就这样啪啪啪!(柯比和被遗忘的土地)这是通过提高常量缓冲区上传的准确性来实现的。此更改还具有修复 的渲染问题的额外好处,使其可...