2480 0 05:52 App yuzu安卓版EA最新测试 宝可梦剑盾【1080p】 4417 0 00:59 App Citron v0.5 正式发布!安卓、Windows版本下载 | Switch模拟器 2243 0 03:48 App Switch安卓模拟器 Yuzu Emulator Android - V50更新 1.2万 0 05:06 App 手机玩《荒野大镖客》 选Switch模拟器还是Windows模拟器?Yuzu vs...
Licensed under the MIT license. Acknowledgements Yuzu Mainline - Yuzu Mainline source code PineappleEA - Yuzu Early Access source codeAbout Yuzu Emulator version manager: Easily control Mainline and EA versions Topics electron react desktop-app emulator express monorepo nintendo-switch yuzu yuzu-early-...
通过网盘分享的文件:Yuzu-EA4176-19.0.1.zip 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GpCaJvkJmdUDIu1Db...
基本介绍 还在优化更新的安卓NS模拟器,安卓Nyushu Emulator v29中文版,体验在手机上模拟运行NS游戏的快乐! 变更日志: - 启用读写外部 - 实施新部分特殊功能 (为此添加了一些新功能) - 限制限制(音频,速度,FSR) 模拟器地址:https://pan.quark.cn/s/c05813e9e15c switch游戏合集(安卓、pc、ns通用) 一共134...
还在优化更新的安卓NS模拟器,安卓Nyushu Emulator v31中文版,体验在手机上模拟运行NS游戏的快乐! 更新日志: -任命Android Gradle插件至8.8.0 —将kotlin任命为2.1.20-betal -任命NDK至27.2 -带有进度栏的实现现代热显示 了添加颜色编码的FPS指示 模拟器打包:https://pan.quark.cn/s/0a9859b95a06 另外有1450个...
基本介绍 还在优化更新的安卓NS模拟器,安卓Nyushu Emulator v29中文版,体验在手机上模拟运行NS游戏的快乐! 变更日志: - 启用读写外部 - 实施新部分特殊功能 (为此添加了一些新功能) - 限制限制(音频,速度,FSR) 模拟器地址:https://pan.quark.cn/s/c05813e9e15c switch游戏合集(安卓、pc、ns通用) 一共134...
yuzuis a discontinued open-sourceNintendo Switchemulator and debugger written in C++. Prior to its discontinuation, it was the most popular Nintendo Switch emulator and was easier to set upTemplate:Why?than its main competitor,Ryujinx. It is no longer officially available for download, but archived...
An easy way to play SSBU with matchmaking on Yuzu/Suyu emulator pythonpython3matchmakingyuzussbusuper-smash-bros-ultimatesuyu UpdatedSep 17, 2024 Python ib4error/YuzuEaUpdater Star7 Code Issues Pull requests This lightweight, python based, application provides user friendly access to Yuzu Early Rele...
We already have the first version of YUZU the Nintendo Switch emulator for Android. A system that is still in early stages but that promises a lot.
安卓SWITCH模拟器Yuzu最终版,试玩《火炬之光3》有中文。 安卓Switch模拟器 Skyline Enhanced Infinity - 手机上皮卡丘、大表哥1能跑80帧+ Switch安卓模拟器 Yuzu Emulator Android - V50更新 yuzu模拟器可流畅玩的 Switch游戏 Top10 新生代安卓Switch模拟器哪家强?Nyushu vs Pine | Nyushu v0.0.750, Pine ...