With the popularity of Nintendo Switch games, many players wish to play the game on platforms other than the Switch console. The console is too expensive, and not everybody can afford it. So, today, the focus will be on the Yuzu Emulator to meet your gaming needs. Be happy as you will...
Search sub-directories for games:寻找游戏时搜索子目录。Prompt for user on game boot:启动游戏时弹出选择用户界面。Enable CPU JIT:即使重编译器,提速。Enable NFC:启用NFC模拟。Theme:界面主题。Hotkeys:快捷键。(只能看,不能自己设置)Webyuzu web service:填了用户名和令牌以后可以向官网报告游戏兼容性。
2.Yuzu下载 ①我们打开Yuzu官网下载页面(https://yuzu-emu.org/downloads/),看到如下页面 ②下载完成后你会得到一个 ZIP文压缩包: yuzu-windows-msvc-版本日期-版本校验一串数字字母组合.zip ③右键解压这个ZIP文件,得到: ④右键剪切「文件夹yuzu-windows-msvc」,粘贴到D盘根目录(这里用D盘根目录举例,你可以把它...
This branch is up to date withyuzu-emu-archive/yuzu-2:master. Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit german77 Merge pull request #13198 from zhaobot/tx-update-20240301020652 Mar 1, 2024 15e6e48·Mar 1, 2024 ...
flatpakinstallflathub org.yuzu_emu.yuzu Installing Yuzu From Flathub Installing Yuzu via AppImage To install the AppImage version of this emulator, just visit theofficial website, and click on the download button and your AppImage will be downloaded. ...
--room-description "Aliyun 1Mbps for all games" \--preferred-game "Pokémon Sword" \--preferred-game-id "0100ABF008968000" \--port 5000 \--max_members 4 \--token "<需要自己申请一个token>" \--enable-yuzu-mods \--web-api-url https://api.yuzu-emu.org学了一点英语就知道怎么修改了,...
Switch games for testing, reverse-engineering, and implementing new features Web hosting and infrastructure setup Software licenses (e.g. Visual Studio, IDA Pro, etc.) Additional hardware (e.g. GPUs as-needed to improve rendering support, other peripherals to add support for, etc.)If...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu master 分支(20) 管理 管理 master revert-12644-vkspec-image-offset revert-12403-clipdistance revert-12344-its-free-real-estate revert-11534-IFREMOVED ...
搬运外国补丁大佬原地..发评论区https://gbatemp.net/download/loz-tears-of-the-kingdom-20fps-30fps-60fps-patch.37996/updateshttps://gamebanana.com/mods/443354改xbox手柄UI modhttps://github.com/triwinds/ns-emu-tools更新模拟器的软件
①我们打开Yuzu官网下载页面(https://yuzu-emu.org/downloads/),看到如下页面 ②下载完成后你会得到一个 ZIP文压缩包: yuzu-windows-msvc-版本日期-版本校验一串数字字母组合.zip ③右键解压这个ZIP文件,得到: ④右键剪切「文件夹yuzu-windows-msvc」,粘贴到D盘根目录(这里用D盘根目录举例,你可以把它粘贴到任何你...