Like the Switch,yuzuneeds firmware files to emulate some games and features properly. Newer firmware versions add compatibility for more games and improve performance. Here is the latest version of Yuzu firmware and also the older versions. Just click the “DOWNLOAD” to get it. Yuzu Firmware ve...
Run Without Creating Shortcuts: Run a downloaded Yuzu version directly from this app, eliminating the need to create shortcuts. Demo License Licensed under the MIT license. Acknowledgements Yuzu Mainline - Yuzu Mainline source code PineappleEA - Yuzu Early Access source codeAbout...
Reads Yuzu Mainline or Yuzu Early Access (EA) JSON data Fetches the latest .7z or .zip archive URL Downloads & extracts it into your Yuzu Root Folder Basic Usage Browse and locate the your Yuzu Root Folder, this is the folder containing yuzu.exe EzYuzu will automatically detect the versio...
suyuis a fork of yuzu from where that project left off (based on the latest EA-4176). Unlike its parent project, the Switch firmware is required (like older versions of yuzu) as well a title.keys file for eshop/nsp games, updates and DLCs (on yuzu, they were auto generated if missin...
分享111 yuzu模拟器吧 梦见不知岛 [王国之泪]关于目前所有补丁类mod的说明如果你在使用补丁类mod说明的过程中,遇到了问题,请查看 87991 yuzu模拟器吧 香榭丽舍♋ Yuzu EA 3618版本识别不了国王之泪下面是一些照片,我下载的源文件说只要把fpd后缀删掉就好了,然后我删掉了没法用,我以为是下载文件出错了,然后我前...
自己视频对比下 60帧下特效丢失问题应该已经解决了 甚至比之前30帧下的特效还要多 分享499 yuzu模拟器吧 Windy_Dl 求助王国之泪60帧一直加速为啥,打的动态60也没用 分享82 yuzu模拟器吧 Chengjunbo14 YUZU模拟器完美60帧,无贴图错误(除地下)YUZU模拟器EA3549版本,打上大白老哥的60帧+进入补丁mod:https://...
Reads Yuzu Mainline or Yuzu Early Access (EA) JSON data Fetches the latest .7z or .zip archive URL Downloads & extracts it into your Yuzu Root Folder Basic Usage Browse and locate the your Yuzu Root Folder, this is the folder containing yuzu.exe EzYuzu will automatically detect the vers...
hello emulators crash when i use vulkan at some resolution scale. Nombre de la aplicación con errores: yuzu.exe, versión:, marca de tiempo: 0x65e196eaNombre del módulo con errores: igvk64.dll, versión:, marca de tiempo: 0x6375...
hello emulators crash when i use vulkan at some resolution scale. Nombre de la aplicación con errores: yuzu.exe, versión:, marca de tiempo: 0x65e196eaNombre del módulo con errores: igvk64.dll, versión:, marca de tiempo: 0x6375a937Código de excepción: ...
12913 yuzu模拟器吧 冰狐狸碴子 王国之泪适用于 Steam Deck 的Yuzu EA 着色器缓存 7W+标题放不下 如果要用着色器缓存 请自行将Steam Deck的虚拟内存从默认的1GB调整到10GB以上 否则爆内存 仅适用于Steam Deck 系统更新通道为 稳定 的3.4.6版本。版本不一致的话显卡驱动版本也不一样 适用于1.1.0的游戏版本 ...