十几个图形修复,大内核更改,音频,输入和amiibo修复等等! 不要触摸那个表盘,因为我们才刚刚开始! 图形和常规错误修复 让我们从肉质部分开始。新的一个月,新的游戏要修复! Persona 5 Royal,本月上映的两部大片之一,在Vulkan中推出了一些神秘的黑色战斗场景。vonchenplus认为这缺少对 Vulkan 规范不支持的特殊 OpenGL ...
Infinite amiibo usage is pointless since yuzu has a similar feature, go in Yuzu settings → Controls → Advanced and check "Use random Amiibo ID". Beware, all cheats can cause unwanted side effects. Xbox / Steam Deck UI + Blackscreenfixby Alerion921 ...
Infinite amiibo usage is pointless since yuzu has a similar feature, go in Yuzu settings → Controls → Advanced and check "Use random Amiibo ID". Beware, all cheats can cause unwanted side effects. The main TOTK performance issue comes from the CPU and not the GPU, but unfortunately we ...
Infinite amiibo usage is pointless since yuzu has a similar feature, go in Yuzu settings → Controls → Advanced and check "Use random Amiibo ID". Beware, all cheats can cause unwanted side effects. Xbox / Steam Deck UI + Blackscreenfixby Alerion921 ...