Yuvraj Gupta姓名: Yuvraj Gupta 地区: 印度 参赛次数: 1 WCA ID: 2017GUPT16 性别: 男 参赛经历: 2017.03.18 - 2017.03.19 2024年度总结 个人最好成绩 项目地区排名洲际排名世界排名单次平均世界排名洲际排名地区排名金银铜复原/尝试 金字塔 2847 14294 53858 9.57 11.26 35171 9625 1689 10/10...
Yuvraj Gupta while performing at an event hosted by the Diamond Production House in September 2024 In December 2024, Yuvraj participated in the reality show India’s Got Latent’s 12th episode and emerged as its winner. Yuvraj Gupta after being announced as the winner of the reality show India...
作者:[印]Y.古普塔(Yuvraj Gupta) [印]R.K.古普塔(Ravi Kumar Gupta)著 高凯 岳重阳 苗雪立 张思琪 译出版社:清华大学出版社出版时间:2018年07月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥60.30 定价 ¥79.90 配送至 北京市东城区 运费6元,满49元包邮 服务 由“当当”发货,并提供售后服务。
Yuvraj Gupta 计算机网络 / 编程语言与程序设计 · 3.4万字更新时间:2021-08-05 16:39:06开会员,本书免费读 > Whetheryouarenewtotheworldofdataanalyticsanddatavisualizationoranexpert,thisbookwillprovideyouwiththeskillsrequiredtouseKibanawitheaseandsimplicityforreal-timedatavisualizationofstreamingdata.Thisbookis...
《Kibana Essentials》(Yuvraj Gupta)内容简介:Whether you are new to the world of data analytics and visualization, or are an expert, this book wi...
Yuvraj Gupta Ravi Kumar Gupta|工业技术|完结 ThisbookcatertodevelopersusingtheElasticstackintheirday-to-dayworkwhoarefamiliarwiththebasicsofElasticsearch,Logstash,andKibana,andnowwanttobecomeanexpertatusingtheElasticstackfordataanalytics. 最新更新 · 0总字数 0总推荐 书籍详情 加入书架 欧亚学刊(新7辑)...
Gupta Library193 米 Ramlila ground park142 米 Hanuman Mandir475 米 Masjid642 米 VERMA LIBRARY1.02公里 Sri Prem Nath Ji Aashram830 米 Rawatsar Pond714 米 CHOUDHARY LIBRARY768 米 Komal library1.08公里 价格说明 划线价格为参考价,该价格指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或该商品或服务...
Amit Gupta The reason I am giving four stars is mostly location! The location is just great, you will enjoy this place. It is a nice hotel room you are seeking, keep looking! Rooms were clean with high quality interiors. Great Stay!! Hotel...
Gupta Store8.4公里 Brand Addiction, The Fashion Hub8.45公里 Satguru Fashions - Family Wear | Clothing Store in Ajmer8.67公里 J-Mart8.83公里 Gau Ghat1.3公里 Sand Dunes Pushkar Tourist Places1.15公里 Brahma Ghat1.29公里 Maharaja Desert Camp Pushkar Safari806 米 ...
“I just wanted to have fun and dance the night away at my reception so I went with a western wardrobe. A Gaurav Gupta creation won my heart – the massive ruffles were playful and perfect for the fun-filled mood of the event.