Did you know that the hordes of seemingly useless, braindead people who do whatever the government tells them to do without question were intentionally created by the globalists to be the fulfillment of what Israeli Zionist Yuval Noah Harari calls “the useless class?” Back in...
And much of thepolitical and social history of the last 200 years involved what to do withthis class, and the new problems and opportunities. Now, we see the creation ofa new massive class of useless people. (Laughter) As computers become betterand better in more and more fields, there ...
Will our liberal values of equality and universal human rights survive the creation of a massive new class of individuals who are economically useless? And when Google and Facebook know our political preferences better than we do ourselves, will democratic elections become redundant?
'Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow' (published 2016) is a bestselling non-fiction book by Yuval Noah Harari, that explores what might happen to the world when old myths are coupled with new godlike technologies, such as artificial intelligence and g