We chat to this famous thinker about ancient humans, tech, money, stories and more… Meet world-famousauthorYuval Noah Harari! He’s ahistorianandphilosopherwho has spent years investigatingancient humansand figuring out how we got sosmart. Learn more about thisawesome thinkerin ourYuval Noah Har...
TED演讲-人类的崛起之路YuvalNoahHarari(中英文参考学习)116.docx,第 PAGE 1 页共 12 页 【演讲者及介绍】Yuval Noah Harari 历史学家、作家乌瓦尔·诺亚·哈拉利探索了塑造21世纪的梦想和噩梦——从战胜死亡到创造人造生命。他描绘了未来,并提出了一些根本性的问题:我们
One Response to “Yuval Noah Harari” Please Note The links beside each book title will take you to Amazon where you can read more about the book, check availability, or purchase it. As an Amazon Associate, I earn money from qualifying purchases. If you would like to link to us,Get the...
they can still kill you. It’s not the same with money. If one person stops believing in the dollar, nothing happens. But if millions of people stop believing in the dollar, it disappears. It loses all its value. And it didn’t happen to the dollar so far, but it did happen to ...
it would affect the way people all over the world feel and behave. The first and most obvious result of a return to the law of the jungle would be a sharp increase in military spending at the expense of everything else. The money that should go to teachers, nurses and social workers ...
Money112018作者 中信经典丛书00761970作者 The Ultimate Experience22008作者 Special Operations in the Age of Chivalry, 1100-155011970作者 ホモ・デウス 上12022作者 Renaissance Military Memoirs12004作者 In Laudem Hierosolymitani01970作者 漫画 サピエンス全史02021作者 ...
Harari's 2011 book,Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, explores what made homo sapiens the most successful species on the planet. His answer: We are the only animal that can believe in things that exist purely in our imagination, such as gods, states, money, human rights, corporations ...
“If you want reliable information, pay good money for it. If you get your news for free, you might well be the product.” Yuval Noah Harari 21 Lessons for the 21st Century “If you want to know the truth about the universe, about the meaning of life, and about your own identity, ...
Modern capitalism has exploded the growth of humankind thanks to the creation of credit, which allows you to borrow money now because we collectively trust that the future will be better than the present. Adam Smith’s brilliant insight about capitalism in The Wealth of Nations was that increasin...
money and corporations. And what is amazing is that as history unfolded, this fictional reality became more and more powerful. so that today, the most powerful forces in the world are these fictional entities. today, the very survival of rivers and trees and lions and elephants depends on the...