dm365在视频采集输入格式为generic 8-bit YUV 422的时候,想直接使用resize模块进行UYVY to NV12的格式转换,但在使用capture_prev_rsz_onthe_fly_yuv作为模板进行测试时发现,调用ioctl(capt_fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, ∩_buf)始终捕获不到视频数据。若不使用resize,直接获取yuv422是可以的。 想请问下,CMOS Sensor(...
I have an incoming axi stream with 2ppc of 10 bpc YUV 422 and need to convert it to 8bpc RGB. I am looking at the Video processing subsystem which seems to convert from YUV to RGB, but it seems to keep the bits per component the same. Do I need...