里面还有公式的推倒,对写YUV to RGB 或 RGB to YUV的函数比较方便 再加一个链接
V = 0.439R - 0.368G - 0.071B + 128 B = 1.164(Y - 16) + 2.018(U - 128)G ...
YCbCr2RGB = np.array([[ 1.1644, 0, 1.7927, -248.1], [ 1.1644, -0.2132, -0.533, 76.88], [ 1.1644, 2.1125, 0, -289.02]]) YCbCr——standard # RGB in [0,255] Y in [0,255] CbCr in [0,255]([-127.5,127.5]) RGB2YCbCr = np.array([[0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, 0], [-0.1146, ...
Hi, I want to use YUV because it's lossless when we convert it to RGB but I findthis codethat cointain two function for this but when I converted YUV2RGB I didn't get correct image. I findthis codebut It's not have YUV2RGB. ...
具体的推导计算大家可以参考:因为我觉得这是比较常规的计算,就不在这儿赘述了。这儿推荐大家一个转换的站点RGB⇔YCbCr換算と色見本 下面直接和大家分享一下具体的转换的公式: RGB 转 BT.601 YUV Y = 0.257R + 0.504G + 0.098B + 16 ...
yuvrgb.vcxproj.user 提交填充YUV数据的例程。 Mar 6, 2014 yuv2rgb === Convert yuv(yuv422p, yuv420p, yuv422sp, yuv420sp, etc) to rgb(save as bmp file), or vice versa.VS 2015 project. Windows: open yuvrgb.vcxproj file using vs 2015. Linux: make ; ./a.out Late Leehttp://www....
r; gl_FragColor = vec4(y, u - 0.5, v - 0.5, 1.0) * YUV_TO_RGB_MATRIX; } (GLSL中矩阵的构造是列主序的,所以元素的顺序是转置后的) Full Range 和 Limited Range 然而,如果你直接用这个矩阵来做色彩转换的话,转换后的画面会看起来有些不对劲: 左侧为正确转换结果,右侧为错误转换结果。测试视频...
经常做音视频相关的开发都知道,经常需要查看yuv文件,rgb这类原始图片数据文件,所以非常需要一个好用的软件,而且支持ubuntu等linux系统的,这里极力推荐YUView这个开源的软件,有源码可以自己进行编译使用。 在这里插入图片描述 源码及编译使用: 开源地址: 如果是window,mac等系统可以直接下载相关的...
Firstly, The size of the "stream" for one frame should be equal to 1.5*the size of the Y but it is very large whether I use uint8 or uint16 to read the file. Secondly, If I have 10bit YUV420 file how to I to modify this code to show correct RGB. ...
I found a lot of different YUV to RGB algorithms but they don't seem to work properly. Does anyone know the correct conversion? The wiki algo for BT709 doesn't seem to be correct. Any help is highly appreciated, Jens James Bonnett ...