Companies across the world rely on Yusen Logistics to create efficient and cost-effective shipping, logistics, and supply chain solutions to keep their business and products moving forward.
Have you been wanting to revolutionize your supply chain and embark on a sustainability journey but don’t know where to start? We are thrilled to introduce you to Yusen Logistics' Green Solution CO2e-Emission Dashboard, a game-changing approach that…
Yusen Logistics is a leading global intermodal and multimodal transportation services provider that offers one contract and eco-friendly transportation solutions. Work with us to create a multimodal transportation system that delivers high quality transp
為快速變化的食品業訂定可靠有動力的解決方案。 對於運輸易腐食品,時間是核心要素 – 但不止於此。消費者追隨的趨勢多變,要求愈來愈新鮮的世界各地產品,食品供應鏈預計會更具相連性、更迅速反應、更靈敏。 我們的食品和飲料專家居於策略位置,可預見挑戰及尋找運輸和物流解決方案,以及確定最適合您業務的最佳實務。
Learn about the rich history of Yusen Logistics, dating to 1955 and providing air and ocean freight forwarding, warehousing and supply chain management solutions.
消費者更高的期望、新的技術,及經濟購買力的巨大轉變,引起汽車業產生重大變化。還有汽車供應鏈的複雜性和全球結構,使汽車業面臨巨大的挑戰。 郵船通運深切瞭解生產工程、技術和車輛零件的世界,因此可憑藉我們先進的汽車業供應鏈物流,將挑戰轉為降低成本。我們的全球端對端供應鏈解決方案,包括進貨採購、生產物流、服務...
Yusen Logistics (Taiwan) Ltd. Address 8F., No.88, Sec.2, Chung Hsiao East Road, Taipei, Taiwan Contacts (886)2-2397-0389 Services Air Freight Forwarding Air Import & Export Customs Clearance
我們的專門醫療衛生小組以對醫療與醫療衛生領域的廣泛經驗,洞察目前和未來醫療衛生供應鏈的挑戰與發展。憑藉在我們全球醫療品質小組控制下持續發展的全球藥品優良運銷規範(GDP)網,可保證您醫療或醫藥產品的完整和安全,且及時運達。我們著重將您的供應鏈從營業成本轉為競爭優勢,如此您便可專注於您的核心目的 – 改善...
Contract Logistics (Warehousing & Distribution) Business and Financial Management Operations Management Air Freight Forwarding Ocean Freight Forwarding Road Transport Rail Transport Intermodal & Multimodal Transport Project Cargo Cold Chain Logistics Customs House Brokerage ...
在愈來愈競爭、複雜及受管理的全球航太市場,比以往更難維持利潤、達成最佳的製造價值,及使飛機飛行。供應鏈最佳化已成為航太工業因應這些挑戰、加速流程及降低成本的關鍵策略。 郵船通運從精簡零件流、發展與組件供銷商的關係,到提供綜合的飛機停場待用航材服務,可帶給您競爭優勢。我們通過ISO9001全球營運認證,在航...