实为补中兼疏的安内攘外之剂。其效犹如御风的屏障,而又珍贵如玉,故名之曰“玉屏风散”。 玉屏风散附方 1.本方为益气固表止汗之良剂,主治气虚自汗及虚人易感风邪者。又可用治气虚感受风邪,自汗不解,不任表药发散者。 2.根据岳美中教授经验,用本方治疗表虚自汗,当以小剂量作散剂常服,不宜以大剂量作汤剂服...
【英文名】Yupingfeng San 【别名】玉屏风丸;玉屏风片;玉屏风颗粒;玉屏风口服液 【剂型】3458 玉屏风散(丸、片、颗粒)。1.本方来源于元·朱震亨《丹溪心 法》。 《中国药典》(1995 年版)2.组成:黄芪300g,白术、防风各100g。3. 规格:大蜜丸:每丸9g,每盒装10 丸;片剂:每片含生药,0.5g,每瓶装100 ...
玉屏风散 玉屏风散组成 生黄芪 6克 防风 3克 玉屏风散的功效与作用及主治 小儿无端自汗者。 玉屏风散用量用法 水煎服。 玉屏风散方源 《笔花医镜》卷三。
Yupingfeng Powder Oral SolutionNuclear Factor-κB (NF-κB)Interleukin-4 (IL-4)γ-Interferon (INF-γ)To observe the impact of Yupingfengsan Oral Liquid on the expression of IL-4 and IFN-γ in AR mice's serum and expression level of nuclear factor—κB (NF-κB) protein and gene in ...
Objective: To study the effect of Yupingfengsan(YPFS) and its polysaccharides on mice immunity function. Methods: Use cyclophosphamide to setup the low immunity mice model, and study the effect of the drug on macrophage phagocytosis,hemolysin-antibody product, delayed hypersensitive reaction induced ...
Objective To evaluate the characteristic metabolic markers of the thymus metabolomics in DefensiveQi Deficiency syndrome and the intervention effect of Yupingfeng San. Methods Thirty SD rats were randomly divided into a normal group,a model group and a treatment group,with 10 in each. The normal gr...
Yupingfeng san Flos Sophorae Immaturus Free radical scavenging capacity Antioxidant Optimum extraction process 1. Introduction Oxidative stress is caused by excessive free radicals when the body encounters various external damages or stimulations. Highly active and unstable molecules such as reactive oxygen...
玉屏风散合苍耳子散治疗变应性鼻炎疗效的Meta分析 Meta-analysis:Therapeutic Efficacy of Yupingfeng San Plus Cangerzi Sanfor Allergic Rhinitis 张岑,叶林峰 Keywords: 变应性鼻炎,玉屏风散,苍耳子散,临床疗效,Meta分析 Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: 目的:通过Meta分析的方法对中药...
玉屏风散 玉屏风散组成 玉屏风散的功效与作用及主治 麻后气血两虚,汗多,怔忡,神昏。 玉屏风散用量用法 黄芪炙炒,陈糯米炒黄色。 水煎服。 玉屏风散方源 《麻科活人》卷三。