《左傳·莊二十三年》公 【轻盈】女子姿态纤柔,行动轻快。唐李白《相逢行》:“下车何轻盈,飘然似落梅。”宋周邦彦《柳梢青》词:“有箇人人,海棠标韵,飞燕轻盈。”元胡天游《杨花吟》:“渡水随风太有情,縈花惹草恣轻盈。”徐迟《牡丹》九:“她边谈,边唱,边演,依然清响激越,体态轻盈。”2.指美女。宋姜夔...
Being based on the method of selecting the burashika yunsea explant piece where this invention, is based on the ability to utilize xylose as a single hydrocarbon source character is converted be inherited, it states the revised method of playback of the brassiere deer transformant. This inventio...
Being based on the method of selecting the burashika yunsea explant piece where this invention, is based on the ability to utilize xylose as a single hydrocarbon source character is converted be inherited, it states the revised method of playback of the brassiere deer transformant. This ...