source:Yaotongwang Market:BoZhou To view:1092times time:2025-02-17 12:22:46.0 share The Yunnan production area of Carthami Flos has started sporadic production of new products, and the current price of new goods is around 87 yuan (including trend); There are currently no new products on ...
The local supply of Carthami Flosr is not large, and there are not many concerned merchants in the near future. The overall flow of goods is not fast, and the willingness of holding merchants to sell is average. The market is currently relatively sluggish, and the current unified selling pr...
A video of a student Yao Shengwang from a rural area(乡村地区) of Yunnan Province receiving a famous university's addmission (录取通知书) of DUT (Dalian University of Technology)has moved many people in China.The video shows that when the postman delivered the addmission letter, Yao came b...
价格 ¥16.00 配 送 至 -- 请选择 -- 配送地区 购买数量 仅剩1 件,抓紧时间购买哦! 描述 分 服务 分 发货 分 进入商家店铺 店铺名称: 所 在 地: 暂无联系方式 商品详情 规格参数 商品评论
(This information is provided by Mr. Tan 13769011248 from Qina Town Information Station, Yongsheng County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province )
(This information is provided by Mr. Qiao 15812201816 from the Information Station of Yousuo Town, Eryuan County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province)
(This information is provided by Mr. Lian 15331438855 from the Information Station of Shangri La City, Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan Province ) Previous:The market for Aucklandiae Radix in Shangri La City, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province remains stable ...
(This information is provided by Mr. Yang 15096965858 from Ludian Township Information Station, Yulong County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province ) Previous:The supply of Aucklandiae Radix in Ludian Township, Yulong County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province is not moving well ...