1. One was control group(n=70) with regular therapy,and the treatment group(n=70) with yunnan hongyao jiaonang on the base of regular therapy for 2 weeks. 目的观察云南红药胶囊对严重创伤患者免疫功能的影响。2) Yunnan Baiyao Capsule 云南白药胶囊 1. d), while the control group with 36...
50 to 150 parts of scutellaria amonena wight, and 80 to 200 parts of kusnezoff monkshood root, the components are extracted by a certain method to obtain the extract of Yunnan Hongyao which has the functions of hemostasis and analgesis, activating blood and dissolving blood stasis, expelling...
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A Yunnan red medicine in the form of tincture, aerosol, tablet, capsule, or oral liquid is prepared by two methods. One method includes such steps as providing all components, respectively pulverizing, sieving, extracting in solvent, collecting extracted liquid, concentrating, drying and proportional...