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Origin of fluids in the Hetaoping Pb-Zn deposit, Baoshan-Narong-Dongzhi block metallogenic belt, Yunnan Province, SW China. J. Asian Earth Sci. 73, 362-371.Yang, Y.L., Ye, L., Cheng, Z.T., and Bao, T., 2013, Origin of fluids in the Hetaoping Pb-Zn deposit, Baoshan-Narong-...
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Figure 5 distribution patterns of two pictures is very similar to the Heilongjiang region, western Xinjiang region of China, Yunnan and Tibet are positively correlated to the South China region, Western hetao area in Eastern region to the South of the Yellow River in central China to the North...
红河州商务局局长和涛一行莅临云南艾瓦特调研指导! 2022-07-01 公司动态 Company News 为企业出海:www.ynidvert.com 2022年4月6日,红河哈尼族彝族自治州商务局和涛局长一行莅临云南省跨境电子商务协会副会长单位——云南艾瓦特网络科技有限公司进行调研指导,云南省跨境电子商务协会秘书长袁玉海、副会长鲁进京、副...
Yang, Y.L., Ye, L., Cheng, Z.T., Bao, T., 2013. Origin of fluids in the Hetaoping Pb-Zn deposit, Baoshan-Narong-Dongzhi block metallogenic belt, Yunnan Province, SW China. J. Asian Earth Sci. 73, 362-371.Yang, Y.L., Ye, L., Cheng, Z.T., and Bao, T., 2013, ...
Xue C D,Han R S,Hu Y Z,Zou HJ,and Zhu Y Y.Physicalchemistry study on the ore-forming process of the Hetaoping Pb-Zn-polymetallic deposit,Baoshan County,Yunnan Province,China.Geochi m.Cosmochi m.Acta. 2006Xue C D, Han R S, Hu Y Z, Zou H J, Zhu Y Y. Physicalchemistry study...