Yunnan Baiyao is often used to extend the life of dogs with bleeding such as hemangiosarcoma. This will help bring relief to animals as there are pain relieving benefits to Yunnan Baiyao. Some treatments for cancer, such as Chemotherapy, tend to promote bleeding; it makes sense that given ...
Yunnan Baiyao is commonly used to extend the life of dogs (and cats) with bleeding cancers such as hemangiosarcoma or nasal cancer (nosebleeds). Some treatments for cancer, such as Chemotherapy, tend to promote bleeding; it makes sense that giving a supplement to promote blood clotting would...
Your #1 Source for Yunnan Baiyao for Dogs. Trusted by Veterinarians to Help Control Bleeding in Dogs with Certain Types of Cancer. Fast Shipping, Always in Stock, Reliable, 100% Satisfaction.
At first glance, the foil packet of Yunnan Baiyao capsules may seem puzzling because an unidentified little red pill lies at one end. Folklore has it that the North Vietnamese soldiers would take this red “hit pill” when seriously wounded, as in receiving a gunshot wound, and this would...
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