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Early Mamluk Syrian Historiography: Al-Y[bar{u}]n[bar{i}]n[bar{i}]'s Dhayl [Mir.sup.[contains]][bar{a}]t al-zam[bar{a}]n. By LI GUO. Two volumes. Leiden: E. J. BRILL, 1998. Pp. vii + 241 and xv + 338. HFl 307, $181. This ...
First, "If you exaggerate your need, you'll get what you want"; and second, "Think about a bigger problem and smaller problems will vanish in your mind." Proverb scholars are sadly used to authors giving only a single explanation for each proverb; in...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Hajigholizadeh, M.; Melesse, A.M. Assortment and spatiotemporal analysis of surface water quality using cluster and dis-criminant analyses. Catena 2017, 151, 247–258. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Li, T.; Li, S.; Liang, C.; Bush, R.T.; Xiong, L.; ...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ma, Y.; Xu, N.; Sun, J.; Wang, X.H.; Yang, F.; Li, S. Estimating water levels and volumes of lakes dated back to the 1980s using Landsat imagery and photon-counting lidar datasets. Remote Sens. Environ. 2019, 232, 111287. [Google Scholar] [Cross...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Hajigholizadeh, M.; Melesse, A.M. Assortment and spatiotemporal analysis of surface water quality using cluster and dis-criminant analyses. Catena 2017, 151, 247–258. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Li, T.; Li, S.; Liang, C.; Bush, R.T.; Xiong, L.; ...