jong-yong yun基本解释 云忠永 分词解释 YUNYearbook of the United Nations 〈联合国年鉴〉 猜你喜欢 kim jong il金正日 you yong尤勇智(尤勇智,原名尤勇,陕西西安人,中国演员。代表作包括《射雕英雄传》的欧阳锋、《赤壁》中的刘备等) kim jong un##金正恩(现任朝鲜最高领导人,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的元帅...
(Xiao Shu Xian, Du Qian, Sun Yun Yin, Chen Chen Quang), polyphonic suite (Ma Gui), large polyphonic cycle ( He Shao, Chen Hua Do, Xiao Shu Xian), fugue (Li Jun Yong, Yu Su Yan, Chen Gang, Tian Lei Lei, Duan Ping Tai, Zheng Zhong, Xiao Shu Xian) and small cycle “Prelude ...
二 毕莽、则收——丹寨县龙泉镇交圭村秋色 (黄晓海 摄) 扎里、羊尬——丹寨县龙泉镇羊甲村远眺,厦蓉高速公路过境并在此设有出口(王家荣 摄) 梁香、毕莫—丹寨县扬武乡排莫村大寨一角。这里是国家级非物质文化遗产苗族蜡染的重要传承地之一 (黄晓海 摄) 丹寨县排调镇羊先村,这里是闻名遐迩的苗族芒筒芦笙...
shi yi zhong xin de shi yi zhong zhi shi yong huan jing shi yong qian ming da shi yong qing shi yong sou suo yin shi yong wang luo shi yong wen du fan shi you yi dong shi yu ji shi yuan gong shi zen me zuo shi zhe me shi zhi shi shi zhi wan shang shi zhong hua wen hua...
(of\-a\-teacher\)\-to\-prepare\-lessons; 金正日 < kim\-jong\-il\-\(north\-korean\-leader\); 開演 < \(of\-a\-play\,\-movie\,\-etc\.\)\-to\-begin; 備荒 < prepare\-against\-natural\-disasters; 薀 < the\-hippuris\-or\-mare''s\-tail\-plant; ...