杨·亨根(Yun Hyong–keun)高清作品《Burnt Umber & Ultramarine》 作品名:Burnt Umber & Ultramarine 艺术家:杨·亨根 年代:1991 风格:极简主义 类型:抽象 Title:Burnt Umber & Ultramarine artist:Yun Hyong–keun Date:1991 Style:Minimalism Genre:abstract 收藏 点赞0 作品名称:杨·亨根(Yun Hyong–keun)...
Although he is less well-known outside of his native South Korea, Yun Hyong-keun's career and contribution to the Dansaekhwa movement during the sixties have begun to attract fresh interest internationally. His paintings' combination of performative, rhythmic strokes, meditative qualities, and mono...
艺术家: Yun Hyong-keunUmber-Blue(系列:无系列作品), 1978绘画, Oil on linen艺术家: Yun Hyong-keunUmber-Blue(系列:无系列作品), 1985绘画, Oil on linen艺术家: Yun Hyong-keunUmber-Blue(系列:无系列作品), 1981绘画, Oil on linen艺术家: Yun Hyong-keun...
一、TAEGYUNKIM担任职务:担任希杰大通物流(深圳)有限公司-;二、TAEGYUNKIM的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,TAEGYUNKIM目前有4个商业合作伙伴,包括CJLOGISTICSCHINAHOLDINGSLIMITED、PARKBYUNGYONG、JEONGKEUNIL等。 财产线索 线索数量 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图...
The Korean artist Yun Hyong-keun (1928–2007) made works that do and do not look like the Westernpaintings that now belong firmly within the canon of modern art. But seeking to locate Yun's work within a 'grand narrative' – however globalised – is fraught with difficulties. The author...
杨·亨根(Yun Hyong–keun)高清作品《Burnt Umber & Ultramarine》 作品名:Burnt Umber & Ultramarine 艺术家:杨·亨根 年代:2004 风格:极简主义 类型:抽象 介质:油画,亚麻布 尺寸:46 x 61 cm Title:Burnt Umber & Ultramarine artist:Yun Hyong–keun Date:2004 Style:Minimalism Genre:abstract Media:oil,lin...
作品名称:《烧焦的棕色和深蓝色》杨·亨根(Yun Hyong–keun)高清作品欣赏 作品链接:https://www.mei-shu.com/famous/24950/artistic-142028.html 作品类别:油画 免责声明:本站部分公开资料来源于互联网,目的是用于学术交流与讨论,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。如果您认为我们的侵犯了您的权益,请与...