Tourism is an economic alternative to revitalise Turkey's economy. However, without good planning, it can turn out to be a big damage on natural resources of an area. Yumurtalik is a study area of this thesis. Yumurtalik is a small town (population, 3970) located on the east ...
城市中文名称 : 城市英文名称 : Yumurtalik 州或国家代码 : TUR 国家中文名 : 土耳其 国家英文名 : Turkey 城市所在纬度 : 36°49'00.00"N 城市所在经度 : 35°45'00.00"E
Yumurtalik Beach 1/0 Yumurtalik BeachYumurtalık Plajı 1.4 热度 Adana, Turkey 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Ziyapasa Kebap ¥34/人 烧烤 直线距离13.8km Kofteci Ramiz Adana Optimum Outlet ¥57/人...
Growth of blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in the Yumurtalik Cove, Turkey: a molt process approach The blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) is native to the western Atlantic, but is an invasive species in the Mediterranean. This study examined the dynamics of growth in an invasive population of blue...
Reviewed this attraction Tarık K Adana, Adana, Turkey 0 Votes Bu firmayı bende bilmiyorum bence havaalanindaki bilinen bir firmadan kiralasaniz daha iyi. Çünkü ara firmalarda bazen problem yaşayabilirsiniz. Aracın arızası oluyor sizden gizliyorlar sonra si...
Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Fisheries, Cukurova University, Adana, TurkeySpringer ViennaCentral European Journal of BiologyTureli-Bilen, C. and Yesilyurt, I.N. 2012. Growth of blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in the Yumurtalik Cove, Turkey: a molt process approach. Central European ...
This study examined the dynamics of growth in an invasive population of blue crab in the Yumurtalk Cove, Turkey (North Eastern Mediterranean). Growth was quantified using a discontinuous growth model, a molt process model. Crab growth histories were observed for individual crabs held in field ...
Trace element and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of the alkali basalts observed along the Yumurtalik Fault (Adana) in southern TurkeyOsman ParlakM DelaloyeH KozluDenis Fontignie
Biology Department University of Çukurova 01330 Adana TurkeySpringer-VerlagBulletin of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyCoğun, H., Yuzereroğlu, T.A., Kargin, F., Firat., O. 2005. Seasonal Variation and Tissue Distribution of Heavy Metals in Shrimp and Fish Species from the Yumurtal...