Brooklyn, NY 11211 (855) 99-YUMMY (98669) 347-457-5853 VIEW MAP 10% OFF Your First Order Join our insider community and receive exclusive private offers, tutorials, and invitations to private events. SUBMIT By signing up, you agree to receive Yummy Extensions and its Affiliated Entities' off...
I visited the one in Williamsburg/Brooklyn. However I did see the 14th St one while out and about. I love crepes and have had them in Europe. I consider myself a crepe snob and these passed the test!! They had sweet, fruit and meal crepes. They are twisted and served...
Brooklyn, NY 11237 Chinese food for Pickup - Delivery Order from Yummy 88 in Brooklyn, NY 11237, phone: 718-928-7777
Brooklyn, NY 11237 Chinese food for Pickup - Delivery Order from Yummy 88 in Brooklyn, NY 11237, phone: 718-928-7777
This roti was so good I can say it's the best roti I had in NJ and in NY. Yes I said NY. I tried every roti shop from the Bronx to queens and Brooklyn and yes it's better than those. I was amazed of the delicious curry seasoning taste and the soft roti skin....
It is said to control our ids. When it tells us to sacrifice a Chia Pet in its honor, we do it with a grateful smile. With clay and foliage scattered on the floor, dance over it with your arms stretched out to the glowing orange mash. Listen to it coo to you, “It’s okay. ...
Yummy 88位于130 Wilson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11237-2761
绿茶非常淡,糖分对我来说刚刚好,我想我会再次回购这款饮品。 🥭芒果班戟:果肉丰富,芒果甜度适中,奶油的口感让人一口咬下去就感到满足。 📍地址:5814 7Avenue Brooklyn NY 11220 📍地址:7802 New Utrecht Ave Brooklyn NY 11214 快来尝尝这家店的奶茶吧,绝对不会让你失望! 0 0 发表评论 发表 ...
地址:5021 8th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11220 营业时间:11am-11pm Yummy Boba Dessert,最早从法拉盛火起来的甜品和饮品专家,而今摇身一变成为布鲁克林八大道上一道亮丽的风景。 走近店门,好吃君就被门口那一大瓶冒着仙气的装饰招牌水果茶吸引,来来往往的路人都忍不住停下脚步看看。