yum --help [root@node116 repo]# yum --help Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks Usage: yum [options] COMMAND List of Commands: check Check for problems in the rpmdb check-update Check for available package updates clean Remove cached data deplist List a package's dependencies distribution...
在以上例子中,红色标记的行将关闭“httpd” “php” 和“MySQL”安装包的更新,接下来我们试一下在EPEL仓库中更新一下安装包试一下。 # yum --enablerepo=epel update perl php python 输出如下: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirrors.hns.net.in * epel:...
<command> list:查询可用的安全更新列表。 info <update_id>:查询指定的安全更新详情。其中参数<update_id>的取值为Alibaba Cloud Linux安全公告中的Advisory ID。 [option] --sec-severity=<SEVS>:指定安全更新级别,参数<SEVS>为指定的安全更新级别。
Returning 100 by the command should be no problem upon the man page. Raw check-update Implemented so you could know if your machine had any updates that needed to be applied without running it interactively. Returns exit value of 100 if there are packages avail‐ able for an update. Also ...
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.4 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.9 Issue When trying to useyum updateinfo, the following error appears: Raw "No such command: updateinfo. Please use /usr/bin/yum --help" Resolution yum updateinfois provided with the plugin yum-security. This plugin ex...
<command> list:查询可用的安全更新列表。 info <update_id>:查询指定的安全更新详情。其中参数<update_id>的取值为Alibaba Cloud Linux安全公告中的Advisory ID。 [option] --sec-severity=<SEVS>:指定安全更新级别,参数<SEVS>为指定的安全更新级别。
2、将其宿主机的镜像挂载到linux中去: 因iso文件是宿在主机上,所有,通过vmware的文件共享,将宿主机上的iso文件挂载到/mnt/hgfs/目录下 VM--Settings--选项--共享文件夹--勾选“总是启用”点击“添加”选取本地iso文件的目录,添加后如下: 3、安装VMware Tools ...
: In order to achieve its outstanding performance, Redis works with an : in-memory dataset. Depending on your usecase, you can persist it either : by dumping the dataset to disk every onceinawhile, or by appending : eachcommandto alog. ...
[ian@attic-f21 ~]$ gfortran --help bash: gfortran: command not found [ian@attic-f21 ~]$ gfortran --help bash: gfortran: command not found... Install package 'gcc-gfortran' to provide command 'gfortran'? [N/y] [ian@attic-f21 ~]$ which gfortran /usr/bin/which: no gfortran in (/...
清除缓存,生成缓存,升级更新yum clean all,yum makecache,yum -y update 二、Linux编辑器 - vim使用 2.1 vim的基本概念 这里介绍vim的三种模式(其实有好多模式,其余请自行了解),分别是命令模式(command mode),插入模式(Insert mode)和底行模式(last line mode),各模式的功能区分如下: ...