Examining /var/cache/salt/minion/extrn_files/base/repo.saltstack.com/yum/redhat/salt-repo-latest-2.el6.noarch.rpm: salt-repo-latest-2.el6.noarch /var/cache/salt/minion/extrn_files/base/repo.saltstack.com/yum/redhat/salt-repo-latest-2.el6.noarch.rpm: does not update installed package. Er...
Note that"update"works on installed packages first, and onlyifthere are no matches does it lookforavailable packages. The differenceismost noticeable when youdo"update foo-1-2"which will act exactlyas"update foo"iffoo-1-2isinstalled. You can use the"update-to"ifyou’d prefer that nothing h...
# update status of each mirror to pick mirrors that are updated to and # geographically close to the client. You should use thisforCentOS updates # unless you are manually picking other mirrors. # # If the mirrorlist= does not workforyou, as a fall back you can try the # remarked out ...
yum update 1. 2. 命令执行效果: [root@iZ2vc5xk901ftf2vfscwc1Z yum.repos.d]# yum update Invalid configuration value: failovermethod=priority in /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Linux-epel.repo; Configuration: OptionBinding with id "failovermethod" does not exist Last metadata expiration check: 0:0...
: kinds, MVS, and more. This package provides an SMB/CIFS server : that can be used to provide network services to SMB/CIFS clients. : Samba uses NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) protocols and does NOT : need the NetBEUI (Microsoft Raw NetBIOS frame) protocol. ...
16Yum update vs. upgrade How does yum update work? You can use the yum update command to update applications installed on a system. If you run the command without any package names specified, it will update all packages on the system. ...
# update status of each mirror to pick mirrors that are updated to and # geographically close to the client. You should use this for CentOS updates # unless you are manually picking other mirrors. # # If the mirrorlist= does not work for you, as a fall back you can try the ...
yum install package_name “` 这将自动安装软件包及其依赖项。 2. 更新软件包:要更新已安装的软件包,可以使用以下命令。 “`shell yum update “` 这将检查系统上所有已安装软件包的最新版本,并将其更新为最新版本。 3. 删除软件包:要删除已安装的软件包,可以使用以下命令。
Locks explicitly specified packages from updates. Package name must be precisely specified in formatEPOCH:NAME-VERSION-RELEASE.ARCH. Wild card in package name is allowed provided it does not span a field seperator. yum::versionlock{'0:bash-4.1.2-9.el6_2.*':ensure=>present,} ...
Dell OMSA:yum updatefails with libsmbios conflicts RHEL providedlibsmbioscauses RPM dependency issue when Dell OMSA installed on system. Raw --> Package Error: Package: srvadmin-storage Requires: libsmbios.so.2()(64bit) Removing: libsmbios-2.3.3-7.el7.x86_64 (@epel) libsmbios.so.2()(64...