字体全名: YU L Times Bold 版本: Converted from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\AKIQ.BF1 by ALLTYPE PostScript名称: YULTimesBold度量参数: 每em像素单位:: 4096 垂直最小值: -963 垂直最大值: 3875 水平最小值: -332 水平最大值: 4850 Mac风格: 1 最小可读像素大小: 6 字体方向Hint: 2 升部: 2863 降...
YU L Times Italic Converted from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\AJIQ.TF1 by ALLTYPE 字体(字体家族名称:YU L Times;字体样式名称:Italic),共264个字符。字符分布范围:基本拉丁文,拉丁文-1补充,拉丁文扩充-A,拉丁文扩充-B,空白修饰字母,希腊文和科普特文,一般标点符号,似字母符号,数
Yes, in their movie together, Naglalayag, 24-year-old Yul Servo gets to kiss Nora Aunor, not only once but four times! And when we asked him how did it feel, Yul answered: Masarap!He added: Napakalambot ang labi niya, parang baby.Their first kiss was in the swimming pool but with...
中时电子报_Chinatimes 22-01-6 23:58 来自微博weibo.com 【阿嬷才掏私房钱帮孙付10万罚锾惊知还欠一笔21万】新北一名24岁黄姓男子骑机车违规,欠下10万元罚锾不缴,其名下房产被查封后,高龄83岁的阿嬷为了保住房产,便出面替其缴清全额罚锾,岂料,竟还有一笔21万的罚锾需缴纳,让阿嬷忍不住向书记官叹,“...
Seung-yul Noh leads Deutsche Bank Championship; Tiger Woods thirdWire reports