1 Date Deputy Minister Dept Appointment Delegation and Accountability Agreement Dear The purpose of this letter is to establish, between your department and the Public Service Commission an Appointment Delegation and Accountability Agreement in accordance with the Public Service Act. This Agreement ...
Yukon - Indigenous, Federal, Territorial: The status of Yukon as a political entity within the Canadian federal system of government is defined by a statute of the federal government (the Yukon Act [1898]), in contrast to the provinces, whose existence i
The status of Yukon as a political entity within the Canadian federal system of government is defined by a statute of the federal government (the Yukon Act [1898]), in contrast to the provinces, whose existence is enshrined within the Canadian constitution. Nevertheless, Yukon’s governmental str...
Government of Yukon. Environment Act. 2012. url: http://www.gov.yk.ca/legislation/acts/environment.pdf.Government of Yukon. Dental therapist job advertise- ment. At: www.wowjobs.ca/job/Dental+Therapist -yukon+public+service+commission-whitehorse+ yt-7524754. Accessed: May 24, 2012....
Natural Resources Canada just finished its consultation for the long-awaited Just Transition Act — something you may have missed because of the whirlwind of the election. This is our chance to moves forward worker and community-centered Just Transition legislation. ...
The Yukon, using an order under theCivil Emergency Measures Act(CEMA), began barring entry into the territory on April 17 with exceptions for residents, family members of residents, critical or essential service workers, people travelling to Alaska or the Northwest Territories via the Yukon, or...
That is why I am urging the government to conduct full, meaningful and respectful public consultation with Yukoners on this important issue, including additional amendments to the Human Rights Act to properly define human rights laws so our fellow Yukoners don't have to go down the same road ...
Previously, we had to define a stored procedure to act as a Service Program and to process the message. In our example, we define two stored procedures: AddContact and ProcessMessage. The AddContact uses the ProcessMessage and acts as a Service Program for the ContactQueue. The code of ...
certain mandatory requirements of the Act for amending the OCP and bylaws cannot be met, with the result that the City would be acting outside its jurisdiction. ISSUES [4] There are two distinct issues to be addressed: 1. Is it within the jurisdiction of the City to amend the OCP by wa...
In 1840, the Act of Union reunited Upper and Lower Canada, this time under the name Canada. When the Dominion of Canada was created in 1867, the region was split into the separate provinces of Ontario and Québec. The new province of Ontario developed slowly until the launch of large-...