Canada- a nation in northern North America; the French were the first Europeans to settle in mainland Canada; "the border between the United States and Canada is the longest unguarded border in the world" Dawson- a town in northwestern Canada in the Yukon on the Yukon River; a boom town ...
TheOccupational Health and Safety(OHS)Actcharges that Roger Stuart and Stuart Placers Ltd. plead guilty to earlier this summer primarily dealt with safety equipment that wasn’t installed on the bulldozer that rolled over and killed Richard Cull. The court heard that Cull had been a lon...
Trophy Stone Outfitting Limited and one of its supervisors have been fined $46,000 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act after the death of an employee in Jan. 2019. (Yukon News file) A Yukon outfitting company and one of its supervisors have been fined $46,000 under the Occupation...
ACTcame into force on July 1, 2022. It replaces theWorkers’ Compensation Actand theOccupational Health and Safety Act.The changes in theWorkers’ Safety and Compensation Actaim to enhance worker safety, reduce workplace injuries, streamline the appeals process and improve return-to-work practices...
“This will mean all restrictions introduced under the Civil Emergency Measures Act in response to COVID-19 will be lifted and we can focus our efforts on recovery.” Hanley said the recovery effort won’t require new cases to drop to zero, but the health-care system must be in a positio...
if we are Republican or Democrat or Independent, what is happening is affecting the structure of the United States and is dismantling it to allow Trump and Musk to have absolute power. Please step in. Or there may be nothing left in the aftermath, and you will have no power to act. ...
For good dog health, parasite control is maintained by cleaning up the feces.Tip #6: Control flies.Dogs are defenseless against flies unless you put something on their ears. There are many products on the market. Tri-Tec 14, Defend, and Swat liquid are some of them. Most dogs act like...
Minister responsible for the Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board; Women's Directorate GOVERNMENT PRIVATE MEMBERS Yukon Liberal Party Ted Adel Copperbelt North Paolo Gallina Porter Creek Centre Don Hutton Mayo-Tatchun Stacey Hassard Brad Cathers Wade Istchenko OFFICIAL OPPOSITION Yukon Party Lea...
“Without this new act, the Government of Yukon will fail to address long-standing concerns of Yukoners about the enforcement of animal laws in the territory and will fail to mitigate risks that uncontrolled animals pose to public safety, the environment and property,” he said. ...
Natural Resources Canada just finished its consultation for the long-awaited Just Transition Act — something you may have missed because of the whirlwind of the election. This is our chance to moves forward worker and community-centered Just Transition legislation. ...