決鬥者們可以在透過亞洲區的參加排名比賽來獲得積分!排名比賽有2種賽制,別分是:標準賽制,以及SP賽制。決鬥者們可以透過累積積分,從而獲得參加Rank-Up League的權利、乃至及亞洲大賽的種子權! 排名賽賽制 其他比賽的積分計算方式: 將按照當時的宣佈為準。 公認店排名賽日程表 最強決鬥者 獎品 各地區的決鬥者,將按照...
Update: After half year (6-mounths) is completed, each area will host a Rank-Up League, which the top ranking 32 players from that half year will be invited to duel for the throne of the Rank-Up League champion. The Champion of Rank-up league grants participation rights to the WCSQ ...
Duel Record Display result of your past event Dueling record. Ranking Display Event Point Rankings per nation Others Display list of your HOME/Favorite OTS stores Display list of featured events at your HOME/Favorite OTS stores Display list of events registered to watch Display list of Pre-Reg...
Duel and show off the Decks that you have created within the game. Aside from Ranking Duels, you can also play with special rules, building decks only from designated booster packs. (Nintendo Switch Online service required for online dueling) Additional information: Supports Switch Pro Contr...
You will need a Polymerization card in order to fuse bothGia the Fierce KnightandCurse of Dragon. You can earn this card by ranking up Joey Wheeler to level 5. With some patience and a bit of grinding, you will unlock Gaia the Dragon Champion and take to the skies to slaughter your en...