Use a User Deck instead of Story to progress faster If you want to experience the historic duels as they were played out in the anime series, you should use the Story Deck for the campaign. However, if you just want to get through the campaig...
This monster can be Special Summoned from your hand if you have a “Zubaba” or a “Gagaga” monster except for “Zubababancho Gagagacoat” on your side of the field! In addition, once per turn, you can Special Summon a “Gogogo” or “Dododo” monster from your Graveyard! Use these ...
Since the game does not use the real life booster packs, each set is centered around an anime character. Here is what you can find in each pack: Yu-Gi-Oh! Packs Grandpa Pack –Exodia –Generic Attribute Link Monsters –Gravekeepers –Skill Drain Cards –Terraforming Cards Mai Pack...