The Yugioh banlist’s rules are simple: If a card is ‘Forbidden’, it cannot be used in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, or Side Deck If a card is ‘Limited’, you can only have one copy of it in your main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck combined If a card is ‘Semi-limited’, ...
Harpie Lady Structure Deck Headsup: New 2020 tin due in August – UPDATED! Hello Kitty and Yu-Gi-Oh! Team up with McDonald’s for Global Happy Meal Promotion Hello world! Here Comes the Yu-Gi-Oh Sock Block! New Licensing Agreements Announced Here is the Champion of YCS Guatemala City ...
Currently the best monster archetype in the entire game, Trickstars warped the meta upon their release, with their constant burning, recycling and swarming being too much to handle. Of course, a Trickstar deck will empty your wallet but it’ll be pretty much unbeatable. As well as burning an...
”“Raigeki,”“Harpie’s Feather Duster,”“Pot of Greed,”“Solemn Judgement,”“Mirror Force,” and more. These are cards that will always help you out in a pinch, give you control of the board, help you go through your deck faster...
However, upon the release of Sign of Harpies, it instantly became one of the best boxes to dig into. Not only does it include everything a Harpie deck needs to survive in the metagame, but it also has some solid staples. Most notable are the Xyz Monsters Daigusto Emeral and Blade ...
Some of the archetype’s “boss” monsters will be available in Blades of Spirits, but some of the best Six Samurai support has yet to be introduced into Duel Links. It’ll be interesting to see some of the early deck builds.As for the older archetypes, Harpie Ladies get a big boost ...
This trick requires only one memory card in the memory card slot. Go into the custom duel and set your deck up so that your best cards are in there. Both you and the CPU’s decks will have the same cards in them. When you win, the slot machine will be there and you can get you...
Elegant Mai’s deck at Level 40 focuses on swarming the field with her Harpie monsters and destroying your back row using Harpie’s Hunting Ground. However, the big weakness of the deck (and the crux of most farming decks) is summoning a monster with defense high enough to thwart her atta...
In this section therequirementsfor unlocking each booster pack is stated STAGE 1 Starting Packs:Dark Magician, Mystical Elf, Red Eyes Black Dragon 10 Wins Inside The Stage:Judge Man Beat all Opponents 10 Times:Harpy Lady Defeat Yugi Moto 20 Times:Blue Eyes White Dragon ...
In addition, the Harpie archetype receives amazing cards, like Harpie’s Hunting Ground and Hysteric Party. Like past sets, Blackstorm Rising will contain cards suited to any deck type. Examples of those include: Breaker the Magical Warrior, Sakuretsu Armor and Cards of Consonance. Blackstorm ...