Yueyue xiaoshuo(also known as All-Story Monthly,1906-9)and finds out that the narrative approaches adopted in the short stories are diverse and experimental,breaking from the preceding customs.While examining the narrative approaches in the short stories,this paper focuses on the aspect of ...
Selling Modernity: A Study of "All- Story Monthly"( "Yueyue Xiaoshuo") in the Late Qing Context[D]. America, Chicago: UMI Dissertation Publishing, 2011:285.Yiting Ethan Zheng.Selling Modernity:A Study of"All-Story Monthly" ("Yueyue Xiaoshuo")in the Late Qing Context.. 2011...
This dissertation studies how the idea of modernity was represented in All-Story Monthly in the late Qing context. The Introduction offers the literary background and a survey of state-of-the-art scholarship on late Qing journalism. It also answers what "modern" and "modernity" meant in late...
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