Yueyue xiaoshuo(also known as All-Story Monthly,1906-9)and finds out that the narrative approaches adopted in the short stories are diverse and experimental,breaking from the preceding customs.While examining the narrative approaches in the short stories,this paper focuses on the aspect of ...
Selling Modernity: A Study of "All- Story Monthly"( "Yueyue Xiaoshuo") in the Late Qing Context[D]. America, Chicago: UMI Dissertation Publishing, 2011:285.Yiting Ethan Zheng.Selling Modernity:A Study of"All-Story Monthly" ("Yueyue Xiaoshuo")in the Late Qing Context.. 2011...
Beyond the Voices We Hear: Diversified Focalization Modes in the Yueyue Xiaoshuo Short Stories, 1906-9doi:10.3868/s010-009-020-0021-7Lee, Yun A.Frontiers of Literary Studies in China
This dissertation studies how the idea of modernity was represented in All-Story Monthly in the late Qing context. The Introduction offers the literary background and a survey of state-of-the-art scholarship on late Qing journalism. It also answers what "modern" and "modernity" meant in late...
盗墓:百岁老人也有玻璃心 作者:玥玥的小汤圆 分类: 灵异 3262 人在读 【时间线从老九门开始,会往后继续写,是女频文,双男主,cp不定,看作者心情】 程霁上辈子无父,无母,无兄,无妻,无子,老天还跟他开了个大玩笑,好不容易活出了点盼头,被一纸诊断书再次打入地狱的囚牢。 再一睁眼,穿到了九门时期,...
炮灰她有盛世美颜[快穿] 作者:明明月月 分类: 其他 14917 人在读 【最后一个世界连载中】白皎达成九十九次必死结局。再次穿越,觉醒的她才知自己是小说里的NPC,她既是恶毒女配,又是悲惨炮灰,更是一笔带过即被抹杀的路人甲。白皎:……炮灰不干了!世界一【干净清纯女明星VS温润禁欲上位者影帝】穿成娱乐圈里的...
道观倒闭!小道士她被迫下山了 作者:悦悦爱瞅瞅 分类: 其他 13213 人在读 【全文虚构,一切已设定为准,架空,请勿当真!】 师父说简兮天生就是吃玄学这碗饭的! 五弊三缺,简兮她占了两样! 鳏寡孤独残,她占了孤! 没错,她是个孤儿,是被捡回来的! 三缺她占了财! 没错,她存不下钱,也不能有钱! 这不,...