BIR METAL YUEZEY UEZERINE BIR YANSITICI KAPLAMA TATBIK ETMEYE MAHSUS USUL VE MEZKUR USULUEN ICIA EDILMESIYLE ELDE EDILEN YUEZEYThe present invention relates to a process for the application of a reflecting coating on a metallic surface such as sheet metal, whereby there is applied to the...
题郭伯成画竹月岩寺作者:胡寅【宋】夫君自是雪霜姿,落笔风生更不疑。 更多: 留向财前弄明月,桂枝相伴影参差。推荐工具 在线翻译 英汉词典 汉英词典 汉语词典 简繁互转 成语大全 汉字拼音转换 文字竖排 字典 五笔编码查询 诗词大全 歇后语 英文缩写大全 汉字笔画查询 在线组词 成语接龙 ...
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