Light Lager An exceptional brew that appeals to consumers who don’t want to sacrifice character for a low-calorie, low-carb light beer. Masterfully developed to maintain the full flavor profile akin to our flagship Lager brand, but has only 99 calories and 3.2g carbs per 12oz serving. Skil...
My biggest problem with Yuengling Premium Light is the alcohol content and carbs. While there are only 98 calories, there are 6.8g of carbs and 3.5% ABV. The Light Lager has .5% more alcohol and half as many carbs with only one more calorie. Ultimately, not a bad beer, though. Black ...
and Oklahoma, according toMolson Coors. As part of a joint project between D.G. Yuengling & Son Inc. and Molson Coors, the beer brand will soon offer its Traditional Lager, Light Lager 99, Golden Pilsner, FLIGHT, and more in these states. ...
Yuengling Brewery offers 10 types of beer, discontinuing only two flavors in its history. Richard “Dick” Yuenling was the recent center of a controversy when he publicly stated that he supported Donald Trump for President in 2016. Boycotts of Yuengling products have been called for by numerous...