超越艾西莫夫定律:與機器人安全地共存Editorial Office
Danielle Muoio
研究人员尝试建立机器人法律框架随着机器人的使用从工业环境逐渐扩展到现实生活之中,如何保证在使用机器人时的人类安全已成为一个重要的社会和技术问题.Editorial Office
Cloud Structure: Normative Analysis of the Definition and Structure of Cloud ComputingYuan Mu
1979: A 25-year-old Ford Motor assembly line worker is killed on the job in a Flat Rock, Michigan, casting plant.1 It's the first recorded human death by robot. Robert Williams' death came on the 58th anniversary of the premiere of Karel Capek's play about Rossum's Universal Robots....
Cloud Risks: The Analysis on the Technological Risks of Cloud ComputingSeth Wang
Of the legal solutions proposed, perhaps most interesting was the suggestion of creating a legal status of "electronic persons" for the most sophisticated robots.Kyle Bowyer
The lights illuminating the procedure are bright and hot, calling forth small beads of sweat on the surgeons forehead. The doctor says: "Scalpel." Only instead of human hands its two robotic arms that extend a tray of tools in response to the surgeons request. No, this is not a summer ...
Editorial Office
China is the world's second-largest robotics market, growing on average by 25% per year between 2005 and 2012, according to the International Federation of Robotics. The country is projected to become the biggest market for industrial robots by 2016.Miljan Glenny...